Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Luke 7:6,7 “He was not far from the house when the centurion sent friends to say to Him: ‘Lord, don’t trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed.’”

Verse Reflections:  This is me.  I don’t deserve to be healed.  I don’t deserve to have God come into my life.  And yet, He can say the word I can be healed.  I am being healed.  His power is unimaginable.  His grace may not be deserved but He will forgive us over and over and over again.  I am pretty old, which means I have decades of eating the wrong foods, stuffing sugar and processed carbs into this body.  So, if I can be healed, you can be healed.  Finally, I have faith that God just has to “say the word” and I will be healed.  That is the purpose of these devotions.  He has already said the words.  He has already promised us that if we choose righteousness (right-ness) He will fulfill His promises to us.  Hallelujah (God be praised).  So often, I sabotage God’s power with my self-doubt.  I don’t have to trust myself!  This centurion could not heal his servant.  He knew he could not fix the situation so he went to the one source that had the solution.  This is our answer!  We might have tried over and over to overcome our addiction to the wrong foods.  Do not worry about it.  Don’t second guess yourself.  You can’t heal yourself!  But praise God He can heal you through His word.  He left us an entire Bible of promises.  He is leading us to verses that heal.  He is leading us to the power of His word.  His word is healing me and I had just about given up.  Tomorrow will come whether we eat right today or not so why not change your tomorrow.  Tomorrow will never change you but today will change you.  Don’t put it off.  Claim His promises today… Eat healthy foods and celebrate God’s words that heal.

Prayer:  Hallelujah Father.  You have already said the words that will heal my body, my soul and my mind.  I want to claim them today.  Thank You for this verse that reminds us that You have already conquered our eating disorders.  You are greater than any problem we have.  Your foods taste so good.  Lead me to them.  I don’t deserve to take You into my life or my body.  I have probably junked up my pancreas and added layers of fat cells inside my body that You don’t want to be around and yet You love me and think I am worthy.  I claim the power of the centurion’s faith today.  I want to love myself, treasure myself the way the centurion did his servant.  It seems an oxymoron, a controversy that he worked so hard to save someone that he did not give freedom, the best gift of all, but I can’t change history.  I can only take Your parable and use it.  I am worthy.  The servant was worthy.  We are all worthy of Your healing power.  Father, heal me.  I know You have the power.  I do not.  Period.  I keep failing.  Today I claim success, not because of my power but because of Yours.  Come on in.  Or stay there in heaven.  You have already said the words.  Today I claim them.  We are going to eat God (plus one) foods all day.  I love You sooooo much.  Thank You.

Did you know:  Bulimia can change your electrolyte imbalance due to changing the levels of sodium or potassium which can cause heart issues.  Womenshealth.gov

Daily Challenge