Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Psalms 16:9 “Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.”

Verse Reflections:  In the verse before this David says, “I have set the Lord always before me, Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”  Knowing this, our bodies will also rest secure.  Knowing this, our heart is glad.  Knowing this, our tongue rejoices.  The word “secure” means attached so firmly that it cannot be moved or lost.  Yes!! This is what we need to be successful in eating healthy, in changing our bad habits.  We need to know that our body cannot be moved or lost.  We have set God before us.  We don’t have to run to find Him.  We don’t have to look around in panic asking Him to help us turn away temptations.  He is already there before us.  It may sound crazy but since I have been looking for healthy foods at the parties I attend I am finding them every time.  I don’t think I ever ate a carrot at any party ever and I love carrots.  God has gone before me and prepared a way for us to rest securely in His lifestyle.  I expect to find healthy foods.  I sometimes take healthy foods to the parties and I enjoy eating every morsal.  I am still eating as much or more than other people but I know I am choosing the right foods.  I know God is attached so firmly to my side that I cannot go wrong at these parties.  I can rest securely and my body can rest securely knowing we are making the healthy changes that our body deserves.  My heart is glad when I return home from the parties because I know that I just took care of my body with my eating choices.  I do stop and thank God for staying so close and helping me reach for the healthy options.  He is amazing and I do feel secure with Him at my side when I read His word.  He gives me the power to eat the foods He created that are awesome and amazing.

Prayer:  Father, I love that the word secure means “attached so firmly that it cannot be moved or lost.”  I am secure in You Father.  When I read Your word You do attach Yourself deeply in my soul.  I cannot wait until I die so I can understand this power.  I am so entrenched in this world that has a beginning and an end and a scientific explanation for so much that it is hard for me to understand.  And yet, I am the beneficiary of this power.  Your word helps me not get lost.  Your word helps me not be moved from the healthy eating habits You have called us to.  Father, my body is secure in You.   I am going to rest in the knowledge that I can’t go wrong with You by my side.  I am going to praise my beautiful body because You are attached to it and make it beautiful.  I am going to claim the beautiful radiance that I know You are shining on my body, inside my body and inside my mind and soul.  We cannot be moved from Your power.  We cannot be moved from eating God foods today.  I adore You.  Thank You for the power in this verse.  Today I rest securely and my heart is glad.  Today we will eat the foods You created with You going before us.  I love You.  Have a beautiful day.

Daily Challenge