Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



God knows how

II Peter 2:9 The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations.

Verse Reflections:  I am so glad that the Lord knows how to deliver me because I obviously do not.  I am totally dependent on God to deliver me from temptations.  I can go for days with success and then all of a sudden I will consume 3000+ calories of junk in one afternoon.  God knows how to deliver “the godly”.  A synonym for “godly” is “holy” or set apart by God.  This gives me hope because God himself can set us apart, make us godly.  I am too weak to consider myself holy or godly so I have to depend on Him to give me these qualities.  I do know that spending time with Him daily is the key.  I treasure the secrets I learn, the strength I gain every time I turn to His word.  I know that His word reminds me that I can do this with His help.  God can deliver us.  God can give us the strength we need to eat His foods and leave the processed foods behind.  This is a great promise to memorize and when we feel the cravings lift up this verse and claim it.  He has given us beautiful foods that allow us to feel full and satiated.  We are creating a vicious cycle of cravings when we eat the processed foods that block our leptin, the hormone that makes us feel full.  Man created the foods that make us want more and more and more.  God has already “delivered” us from this cycle by giving us foods that work, that give us nutrition for a longer life and keep us at a healthy weight.  We just have to eat those foods and allow ourselves no more than one other option per day.  We have to be holy, to “set ourselves apart” by saying no to the temptations that surround us daily.  We have to say no to the wines, the deserts, the appetizers, the breads over and over and over again every single day.  We have to allow God to deliver us from temptations by eating His foods.  If we don’t eat His foods we will continue to eat foods that create cravings.  Today we will eat God foods!

Prayer:  God, YOU know how to deliver me from temptations.  I am going to say the Lord’s prayer differently.  “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”  Father, I know so many people on this earth would laugh heartily at me considering food a serious temptation but God I know this is my Achilles heel.  I know it is a serious issue for me.  I am an addict and I need help.  I have times where I start with a small thought and it expands into a craving that cannot be stopped until I consume thousands of calories.  I need deliverance.  I need Your power.  Your word promises that You know how to deliver the godly out of temptation.  I know that I need to eat God foods, the foods You created but I still need Your help.  I am weak.  I know what to do but I don’t always know how to do it.  I have a long lifetime of bad habits and I need Your help to get over them.  Bless me with Your power.  Thank You for these verses that remind me that I am not alone.  You have the secret and You know how to deliver me.  Okay.  I am trusting You today because I obviously can’t trust myself.  Give me power, Your power that surpasses my own.  I am going to reach for Your foods today.  I am going to remind myself that You know how to deliver me from any temptation I may have.  Thank You for this power that comes from outside my own helplessness.  I love You.


Daily Challenge