Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Confess and Leave behind your bad habits

Proverbs 28:13 He that covers his sins will not prosper: but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.

Verse Reflections:  This is not easy for me on a personal basis.  I still fight the temptation to gorge my body with all types of delectable foods and then throw up.  Sick?  Yes, I am.  Sin?  Yes it is.  Does it work?  No, it doesn’t.  And yet, I still want to cover this sin up and not let my close friends and family know it is still an issue for me.  It is not frequent, but God says we need to confess our sins.  Ugh!  I do not want to disappoint my husband and let him know that it still crops up.  I think because I know it does not just go away once I confess.  It rears its ugly head again and again and my husband just wants it to go away.  I want to cover it because I am ashamed of my weakness.  And yet, this verse tells me not to cover my sin, to confess.  This verse tells me that if I expose my sin I will prosper and if I cover my sin I will not prosper.  I have to confess and forsake my sin and I will have mercy from God.   How do I confess a sin I worry will return?  I know this verse says whoever confesses AND forsakes them will have mercy.  I have not fully forsaken this sin of indulgence.  I have not fully learned how to forsake it forever.  This world pushes indulgences on us at every turn.  I go to conferences with snacks at every break, parties with delicious appetizers and desserts, restaurants with award winning options.  I come home to a kitchen and a talent for making deserts that could rival Bobby Flay.  It is a blessing and a curse.  How do I expose my sins, confess my sins but more importantly forsake my sins?  Do I need to put together a group of friends that have the same issues so we can hold each other accountable?  I know I need to forsake my bad habits and eat God foods so all I know today, just today is that I will eat God foods.  One day at a time.

Prayer:  God, I come to You in confession of my sins.  I confess to You that I overeat with a vengeance.  I cannot eat just one cookie.  I eat ten, I eat twenty.  I eat five pieces of bread smothered with butter.  I consume 3500 calories (one pound) easily and frequently.  I do not know how to moderate my eating habits.  I am confessing them to You.  I am exposing my indulgences.  I am helpless against myself.  I invent cravings in my brain and then I eat.  I stir up creations in my kitchen or go to a restaurant and eat everything I dreamed in my head.  Lord, I am exposing my sins to You of overeating but I don’t know how to forsake this habit forever.  I do well for weeks.  I do well for months and then I crash.  I start eating the foods that I know are not healthy.  I even feel headaches, indigestion, burning feet, weakness, blurred vision, dizziness and still I indulge.  I am sick.  I am weak.  I am helpless.  I have to confess to You.  You say You will have mercy on me but You also say I must forsake my sins to gain this mercy.  I have to go back to the verse before this.  You “know how to deliver the godly from temptations.”  You have to know God because, I can’t deliver myself.  I can’t forsake this sin without You.  Take over my body, my brain and my soul and deliver me from this sin of indulgence.  Today, I will eat God foods.


Daily Challenge