Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“It’s a battle”

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

Verse Reflections:  God gave me a strong backbone in most aspects of life.  But the devil knows that food is my temptation.  I have to stay alert and realized that Satan is prowling around looking for a way to tempt me.  I don’t get angry easily.  I don’t get depressed easily.  I am not tempted by drugs or alcohol.  I am not materialistic.  I love my husband dearly and have no desire to be unfaithful.  So, how does Satan devour me?  With food.  Devour means to destroy completely.  This is serious.  It is time to quit thinking this is a minor issue in our lives.  If you are reading this, most of you can relate.  Satan confronted Jesus with this same temptation in the Bible when He was in the desert so we know it is a common issue.  We have to stay alert and realize this is a serious battle.  This is not a light, funny issue.  This is war.  We have to come to Jesus daily to get strength so we can stand firm in the faith.  He promises to deliver us from our sins.  He promises to give us the ability to resist the devil.  We must proact daily by reading His word and tucking His words away in our heart.  This is our weapon in the battle.  We are in a family of believers that suffer from the temptation of overeating.  We are not alone.  Know that we are not alone as you resist the devil.  We can stand together, arm to arm, back to back.  We can pray a hedge of impenetrable protection around us so that Satan cannot get through.  We can stand firm in the faith, knowing God has the power.  “Faith comes by hearing the message and hearing through he word of Christ”  Romans 10:17 I think I allow the devil to prowl around like a roaring lion in my kitchen.  He roaringly sends me images of delicious foods that I can bake and devour.  I need to be more alert and cast him out of my home.  We can resist him.  He has no power over the power of Jesus Christ.  We have to stay in the word and claim God’s promises.  God will keep us alert to Satan’s tricks.  He uses the same ones over and over with me.  You would think I could be immune by now.  I will be immune today.  Today, I will be alert.  Sober-minded means to have good sense and good judgement.  Today, I will be of sober mind.  I will eat God foods.

Prayer:  Father, this is a battle for me.  I need You to lead me into this battle and let’s win it once and for all.  I need to not just resist the devil, I need You to help me conquer him so he doesn’t come back every day.  God, I need to stand firm in the faith that You can fight this battle for me.  I am weak.  I do not have the ability to win this battle on my own.  However, I am done.  I have to fight this ridiculous hold that unhealthy foods have on me.  We are going to battle with a spirit of passion and sacrifice.  I am ready to sacrifice.  Finally!  Let’s give up this crazy hold that unhealthy food has on me.  It is not worth it.  My health is more important.  My body is more important than a thirty-minute indulgence.  Lord give me good judgement and good sense.  Give me more than that.  The devil is prowling around looking for a way into my mind.  Lord, put a hedge of protection around me and keep him out.  You have the power.  You can resist the devil.  I am going to claim that power in the name of Jesus, in Your name.  Get out Your sword and cut off His head.  I will not hear his roar.  I will not allow him to devour me.  I will resist him.  I will stand firm in my faith in Your power.  I will stand as an example in the family of believers that are reading this that we can eat God foods and enjoy this new, healthy life.


Daily Challenge