Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Gather in God’s name”

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Verse Reflections:  God is reminding us that there is strength in friendships, in accountability partners, in prayer partners.  For over 25 years I have been getting up at 4:30 a.m. to run with two wonderful friends.  Before that, I ran with another friend for over five years at the same crazy time.  I love to run and I would run with or without my friends at some level but I can honestly say, I would not get out of my warm bed during the winter months without knowing they are waiting.  We share life’s ups and downs and we turn to God to bring our cares to Him.  He is with us as we run and our friendship is God centered.  We choose not to talk about others, spread gossip or put junk in the trunk.  We have all chosen to share our lives in a God centered way so that when we start our day we are starting it clear and bright.  So, while we are running, we are gathered in God’s name.  He is most definitely there in our midst.  I think this verse is reminding us there is a benefit in gathering to exercise, lose weight and to talk about your week’s eating struggles.  It works for weight watchers and many other programs.  God is promising us all in this verse, that whenever, wherever and for whatever purpose He will be there in our midst if we gather in His name.  This week, find an accountability partner and gather in prayer, gather in solidarity that will renew your strength and resolve to eat God foods.  God will be there.  He will send His power over you and those you gather with.  His power is unimaginable.  He can change your lifetime habits.  You can hear His voice through the voice of your friend(s) that tell you not to indulge in the eating temptations that haunt you.  You can feel His strength seeping into you in the cheerful celebrations of friends that made it through one day of eating His foods.  You can know that your life is changing when you choose to bring healthy snacks to the friend party and all of you have fun indulging in your health.

Prayer:  Father, lead us to friends that can gather with us in Your name.  Accountability changes lives.  Gathering in Your name brings power to our day.  Stopping our day to share a God moment makes a difference.  Thank You that even in sharing this prayer, we are gathering in Your name.  We are gathering with everyone hearing this prayer today and they are our family in accountability.  Everyone listening to this prayer, reading this prayer is sharing the same temptations.  We are desperate Lord.  We don’t know how to change our habits, our cravings, our lifestyle without Your help.  I am so weak God.  I need accountability partners to make a full change.  I can eat God foods for a while and then I literally crash.  I splurge with a vengeance that is just not human and I cannot stop on my own.  Father, grant us all the strength that YOU have.  Our strength does not work.  Our discipline is not enough.  You tell us to gather in Your name and You will be there in our midst.  Lord, even through these devotions we are gathering in Your name.  We are joining with everyone else praying for Your power.  Please, be in our midst and surround us with Your love.  Change our lives with Your power.  Create new cravings, new habits.  Yes, Father.  We are going to thank You for this revolutionary pivot.  Today is the day that we will eat all God foods and not even pause to consider any other foods.  I love You and I thank You for “being in the midst” of us.

Daily Challenge