Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Your needs are taken care of”

Philippians 4:19 But my God will supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Verse Reflections:  It is so easy for me to think of this verse in terms of God supplying the needs of my home, heat, air-conditioning (yes, my first world need lol), health, clothing, job…  I seldom think of God supplying the emotional needs that cause me to crave foods.  This verse transport me to another plain when I think that my God can fill the black holes that I pour foods into.  God can calm my anxieties before I reach for the Carbugers, the chocolate chip cookies, the chips.  He can unzip my fat suit and not expose the me within that I work to cover up.  God can unravel all the threads that tangled up throughout my life to create a big wad of knots that I lubricate with food in a poor attempt to pretend they aren’t there.  God can erase the scars of not being loved, or being “loved” too much and eliminate the need to place the band-aid of food on all these open wounds.  Every day, these “needs” bubble up within me.  And I reach for food.  Every day, I feel an emotion and instead of thinking it through, writing it down, I bury it deep with every swallow of food.  Every day, I stay too busy to acknowledge any feelings so I eat my feelings and push them down deep into my stomach.  Every day, I acknowledge that my God has my “life” but I have failed to acknowledge that my God has my feelings, my emotional needs.  Every day, I put on my big girl panties and my super man cape and refuse to allow myself to admit that I can’t do it all.  My God will supply ALL my needs.  But first I have to allow these needs to be felt, to be realized, to be shared, to be exposed.  It is the raw exposure of my emotional needs that I run from.  I had a Father that told me he loved me less than twenty times that I can remember.  It left a hole.  I am not going to add any “buts” here I am just going to acknowledge that it left an emotional hole.  I need God to fill this hole.  I received positive vibes from my Father through my hard work ethic and successes.  Every day I fill my life with hard work ethics and successes.  I am tired.  I am just going to acknowledge this.  Period.  What emotional needs do you need to acknowledge today?  Write it down and together we will let God fill our needs.  Totally.  Let God fill your black hole, soothe your anxiety, untangle your knots, and erase your scars.  God will tell you how much He loves you and fill that void.  He will give you the grace to stop working so hard and allow you to relax and just be you.  He will fill your needs so that we can fill our bodies with nutritious foods that He created.  God foods.

Prayer:  Wow God this was a break through for me.  Thank You for reminding me that a lot of my eating is in response to not acknowledging my emotional needs.  Thank You for reminding me that You can supply all my needs.  When I feel anxiety, I do not need to reach for a cookie, I need to reach for Your word, Your hand, Your voice.  When I chastise myself because I do not look the way I want to look, and my self-doubt causes me to crave foods, I need to look in Your mirror and know that You created me in Your image and I am beautiful.  When I fill my life with too much work and strive to be perfect because that is how I defined myself to get my earthly father’s approval I need to realize that You rewarded Mary, not Martha.  Lord, recreate me today.  Untangle these knots that I have created inside my soul.  I know that I will avoid reaching for food if You fill these voids that I have allowed to open into hollow chasms with no bottom.  This surely is why I eat with no bottom, no end to my hunger.  Lord, if You don’t come into these emotional voids, this cycle will never stop and I really don’t know how to change it except to offer this desperate prayer.  Fill my emotional needs.  Supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory!  You promise in this verse You will make this happen and I am claiming this life changing covenant.  Thank You for changing both of our lives.  Love You.


Daily Challenge