Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Just ask”

John 15:7 If you abide in me and my words abide in You, You will ask what You will, and it will be done unto You.

Verse Reflections:  Abide means to stay or remain.  We cannot ask what we want if we are not staying and remaining in God’s word and in God’s presence.  This is the difference between the last time you tried to eat healthy and this time.  Reading these verses and devotions daily will give us power that we do not have when we do not stay in His word and presence.  Amen!  And by the power of His word we can continue to ask for healing.  Every day we are going to read God’s word and abide, (stay) in His word.  God plus one.  One verse.  That is all we need to change our lives.  Can this really be the difference we have been missing?  Yes!  A thousand times yes.  This verse promises us once again that the power in God’s word makes the difference.  But this verse is also commanding us to stay in His word.  Imagine walking on a boardwalk with alligators on either side.  As long as you are on the boardwalk, you are safe.  If you begin to have the illusion that the boardwalk is not important and you venture out, you are no longer safe.  When we snuggle His word up into our souls every day we are safe.  Satan cannot touch us when we abide in God’s word. Don’t forget that the one offensive weapon against Satan is God’s word.  We have to put on the full armor of God.  We have the power to ask for changes that we cannot ask for without the power of His word.  Many of us have asked for His help for years but we failed to incorporate His word, the power of His word daily into our journey.  Let His words live inside you and ask what you want and it WILL be done unto you.  Read this again.  Another version says, it will be done FOR you.  Period.  If we stay in God’s word, we will not even have to work at this.  It will be done for us.  I have to admit, on the days I am really close to God, I don’t even have to try hard to eat right.  So today, expect God to answer Your prayers to give you the power to avoid the temptations of food.  Expect to be successful eating healthy.  If you are tempted, read another verse, and another, and another.  I pray that God will infuse us all with the Holy power that separates us from the world through these verses and reflections.  We know when we are close to Him that He wants the best for our lives and being healthy is the best for our lives.  Today eat God foods and stay close to God.

Prayer:  God, can it really be this simple?  Could I have avoided decades of heartache and eating wrong by staying in Your word and accessing the power You give us in Your Bible?  Why didn’t You ask someone else to write this a long time ago and we all could have been healthier?  Why now?  Why me?  I don’t understand and yet, I feel the power seep into my body every time I read one of Your amazing promises.  I know staying in Your word is the secret to battling the evil in this world and being all that I can be in Your kingdom.  I love You and I want to stay close to You, to abide in You.  Lord staying in Your word is so simple.  Remind me daily that I need to reach forward, upward for the strength You give in Your promises.  Lord, it is even more than strength, it is a unique way of looking at the same world that I have been viewing.  I am able to see clearer.  I am able to be stronger through You and I don’t even need to depend on my own strength which is so freeing.  It is almost like I am flying instead of working to walk up a hill.  Thank You Father for the strength You give through Your word.  I feel it, I claim it.  I praise You for this new vision.  Thank You for giving me the desire to eat God foods and worship You through my eating habits and choices.  Have a wonderful day.  We are going to live this day together.  Love You.

Daily Challenge