Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“He will do it”

John 14:13 And whatsoever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father will be glorified in the Son.

Verse Reflections:  This journey of eating healthy has to be about God and not wearing a two-piece bathing suit or looking sexy or good in your clothing.  You must ask in HIS name, not the name of vanity or your pride.  This is the danger point for all of us, so don’t play games with this part of committing to eating healthy or you will not be successful.  When you commit this journey to God then (and only then) you will be successful.  I have to admit that my journey to lose the extra 10, 20, 30 or 40 pounds has always been about me.  I wanted to look good in my clothes, I wanted to priss around and have people compliment me.  The good news is I am old enough now that this is not as important to me anymore or maybe I have carried that extra weight around long enough that I have learned to not to define myself the way I used to.  It is actually freeing to commit this journey to being healthy rather than to looking good or even perfect.  So, today commit your eating to God for the sake of being healthy.  Truly.  Read the verse above carefully, if you ask in Jesus’ name then He will give you success.  But keep in mind the second part of this verse… your success is so that God will be glorified.  Get ready to give the glory to God when this life changing journey is noticed.  You must ask for His power to be healthy.  Do not concentrate on the pounds!  I had to stop weighing so that my journey concentrated on depending on God and changing my eating habits not losing weight. There are many successful diets out there so if you just want to lose weight this may not be the best solution for you.  But if you want to take care of your body, your mind and your soul “God plus one” is the answer.  When you do lose weight, remember it is a blessing so that your extra weight doesn’t put pressure on your joints, so that you don’t have to spend money on new clothes, so that you resist getting sick.  Honor Him with your purposes for eating healthy.  Today, eat in His name.  Today, eat God food and if you need one additional option, eat it guilt free in His name.

Prayer:  Lord, I am so ready to glorify You. I am asking in Your name that today I eat healthy, that I change my mind, my soul and my body to embrace Your foods.  I am asking in Your name that today I eat Your foods so that I can lose some weight, not so that I look good but so that my body is healthy, so my joints do not hurt as I age, so that I can do anything I want to do.  Lord, I know as I lose weight, people will start to notice.  Prepare me now to not want the glory, to not care but to glorify You in my response to them.  I just want healthy.  I just want my mind to crave Your foods.  Allow me to invest in good herbs, citrus flavorings, healthy options that make cooking fun.  I am so used to baking and taking pride in my baked goods that I am having to change how I invest in recipes.  This verse tells me that you will do what we ask in Your name.  I am asking in Your name today for everything:  no cravings for unhealthy foods, a love for cooking your foods with a flair, a desire to eat Your foods and yes, Lord, weight loss.  I need to lose those thirty pounds for my health Father.  I love You and in Your name I claim it.  Woooo HOOOO.   Let’s make this happen.

Daily Challenge