Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight




Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.

Verse Reflections:  This is the perfect follow-up verse from yesterday.  Yesterday we were reminded that we must ask in Jesus’ name for His glory.  Today, we are reminded that we should ask in prayer.  Prayer is communication with God.  That means we need to spend a little time with Him, so we can recognize His voice and listen to His response.  This verse also commands us to believe.  Let’s change Nike’s saying “Just Do It” to “Just Believe It”.  Hallelujah (God be praised).  Some of us have fought this battle for years.  I am the last person I would have chosen to write these devotions because I have some very unhealthy eating habits.  I can eat a dozen hot doughnuts without pausing, a full pizza, a panful of cookies and the list goes on.  If it has butter or sugar in it I am there.  And yet, perhaps I am the best person to write these devotions because I have tried and succeeded, tried and failed many diets. God has convinced me that it is time to eliminate diets.  I need to change my lifestyle and make healthy choices with His power behind me.  I am ready to believe that He knows what He is talking about.  For two years He has been working on me.  I have failed to listen completely and yet my soul has changed.  The biggest physical change for me so far is that God has eliminated my cravings that had me convinced I was an abnormal monster with a stomach as big as my entire body. This is a miracle and I don’t use that word lightly.  I do believe that God plus one will work.  I believe that if I honor Him, pray in His name, incorporate His word and power into my journey then I will be successful.  I am committing this journey to Him daily in prayer, asking in His name and believing.  That means when I am offered a major temptation I must “Just Believe It” and know I can say no.

Prayer:  Oh Father, I do believe.  Thank You for the changes I am already seeing.  Thank you for teaching me through eating God foods that my endless cravings and hunger were a vicious cycle of eating addictive processed foods.  I have been freed from that constant mind circle and Lord that was a miracle of huge proportions.  I praise You.  May You be glorified and honored in my body.  While I haven’t lost weight I know the difference You are making in me, the changes are miraculous and somehow, I do believe as this verse commands that we will be successful taking off these 30 pounds that are not healthy.  Lord I believe.  I am ready.  I am at the point in life that you will definitely get the glory if anyone notices changes.  I am at the point where I KNOW that it is Your power, and Your power alone that has given me the ability to eat God foods each day.  Thank You Father for loving me enough to deliver this message.  I am so convinced that I am hearing Your voice telling me to eat God foods plus one that I believe You before I lose a pound.  I know, I believe Father.  Now You have to keep working Your miracles so that I can lose enough weight that others will want to listen to this message You have given me.  I know the changes You have already wrought in me.  I know the difference even though my clothes are still not fitting me.  I have the patience I did not have the past and I know the changes are coming.  I believe.  I hear You.  I am coming to You in communion, in prayer and I hear You Father.  Today we are eating God foods in Your name, for Your glory.  Thank You Father.

Daily Challenge