Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Feed your hunger with goodness”

Psalm 107:9 For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.

Verse Reflections:  This is beautiful.  I keep imagining t-shirts with God’s word on them with these amazing messages that can change our lives.  Our bodies long for food, it is how we are designed, it is who we are.  We should not fight this.  We should embrace it and just fill our bodies with goodness (God’s word), good foods, God foods.  We should fill our hungry soul and our hungry bodies with goodness.  If we do this, God will satisfy our longing soul and our longing bodies.  How amazingly good is a full Sunday dinner with vegetables and meat?  This is what we need to eat daily.  If we feed our hunger with goodness then we will be satisfied.   This is the very definition of God plus one embodied in this verse.  We keep feeding our souls, our bodies with foods that do not satisfy our cravings, our longings and we just want more.  It is so easy to see this in smoking, pornography, alcoholism, material possessions.  It is so easy to long for more.  However, we don’t tend to see that the exact same principles are true with food that we eat.  If we do not fill our bodies with goodness, our longings never go away.  God and God foods alone can satisfy our cravings.  It is time we realized this and changed our lifestyle.  Why do we keep trying all this calorie counting or deprivation methods of dieting?  It doesn’t work long term because our cravings, our longings come back.  Today we are going to fill our bodies with goodness,

Prayer:  Father, it is all so simple and yet so complicated.  Take my hunger, my cravings and destroy them.  I will get up in the morning and fill my longing soul with Your word, with goodness.  I beg of You to satisfy my soul with these items so that I will not focus on food.  My soul is hungry, my mind is hungry, my stomach is hungry, my big toes are hungry.  I stay hungry and I can’t seem to erase the cravings completely.  This verse can change my life.  Lord, You have to remind me today that You are what satisfies my longing soul.  Only You can fill my hungry soul.  My tendency is to feed my anxiety with food.  Lord please change that for me.  Remind me that I should be feeding my anxiety with You.   You will eliminate the anxiety. When I feed it with food I get a quick fix and then I become anxious all over again because now I added weight and calories.  I have created a madness.  Lord, only You can stop this cycle.  I must remember that 30 minutes in the morning can make the difference.  I feel the goodness in my soul today, take that goodness and feed my soul.  Create a longing in my soul for the foods that You have created.

Daily Challenge