Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Be satisfied”

Joel 2:26 And you will eat plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that has dealt wonderfully with you; and my people will never be ashamed.

Verse Reflections:  Ahhhh to be satisfied.  This is the beautiful result of “God Plus 1”.  Finally, I feel full.  Eating God foods allows my leptin, the hormone that tells your brain you have enough energy stored up, to be heard.  I now feel full and my metabolism has stabilized.  Prior to eating God foods I would often eat foods that were processed and burned up too quickly causing my sugar levels to spike and crash, sometimes I would eat too few calories, or I would even purge a huge amount of food.  All of these habits caused my body to drive the leptin levels back up telling my brain I needed more energy/food.  I NEVER got full.  I truly thought I was crazy and didn’t understand the nutritional science well enough to know that my eating choices were causing the bottomless pit syndrome.  I would “eat plenty” but I would not be satisfied.  There is a vagus nerve that runs between your brain and your abdomen and when your leptin levels go up the vagus nerve stimulates your hunger because it has been informed by the leptin hormone that you don’t have enough energy.  Yikes!! It is a vicious cycle.  I feel like this verse speaks to me and my healing.  Now that I am eating primarily God foods, I can eat plenty and be satisfied.  I cannot even express to you how this makes me praise God.  I am no longer ashamed and I no longer criticize myself daily for eating frenzies that I do not understand.  This verse is a promise to the Israelites that He will take care of them and supply all the food that they want or need.  For me, this is also a promise to all of us that if we eat God foods we will be taken care of.  We will be able to eat plenty and be satisfied.  And those of us who have fought the battle of eating healthy, we are so relieved that we will praise the name of our Lord, our God.  We will tell the world that God is the reason we no longer fight food daily.  We can allow the food to be on our side of the battlefield, an ally if you will.  Once we invite our enemy to be our ally, we have won the battle.  And our head that has hung so low in shame because we were losing the battle to an inanimate object of food will now be lifted and we will never be ashamed.

Prayer:  Oh Father, this verse is so deep for me.  I praise Your name, my Lord, my God.  You are healing me and I cannot thank You enough.  I can now eat food and feel satisfied.  I finally feel like I have a normal stomach.  You have dealt wonderfully with me and You have taught me that food does not have to be my enemy.  I love the idea of inviting food to be my ally and thus eliminating any battle because now there is no enemy to fight.  I can order off a menu and choose Your foods and I don’t have to also order desert.  Thank You.  God, this promise is so huge to me.  I know You were talking to the Israelites and telling them that You would always provide for their needs but God Your word is living and breathing and it speaks to me.  Finally, I am not ashamed of myself.  I have not lost a ton of weight but I finally feel normal.  Thank You!!  You have given me plenty but perhaps more importantly I am satisfied.  Forgive me for all the years I fought so hard when such a simple solution was available.  Lord, You know, in the past I could eat an entire pizza and then eat desert and ice cream.  Now, I actually feel full after a normal serving.  I cannot praise Your name loud enough, often enough.  Thank You for waking me up and convincing me to eat God foods plus 1.  I did not even know about Leptin or ghrelin, the hormones that I was blocking due to my eating habits.  But You knew God.  You tried to convince me to eat this way long before I was ready.  Forgive me.  And yet, I am not ashamed.  I am excited because we have embraced this journey together and we are satisfied!  I love You.  Have an awesome day.  Me and my full stomach are going to have a great day also as we continue to eat Your foods.


Daily Challenge