Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“His word does not fail”

I Kings 8:5 6 Blessed is the Lord, that has given rest unto His people Israel, according to all that He has promised: there has not failed one word of all His good promise.

Verse Reflection:  How perfect that this verse is revealed right after the verse about His word serving as a lamp unto our path.  Now that we can see our path, God’s word reminds us that “there has not failed one word of all His good promise.”  Hallelujah.  All these verses and not one word has failed us.  Your promises are real.  Your power, the power of Your word is real.  We can just say no!  We can resist the temptations that surround us.  You are giving us rest from this fight that has overtaken our lives.  God we know that resisting will not be easy.  But it will be possible.  I can live with that.  I know I am sugar addict.  I truly believe there are times it is as hard for me to resist sugar as it is for an alcoholic or a drug addict to resist the drugs.  I can’t do it on my own.  Period.  But this verse is telling me that I can have hope in Your promises.  I repeat again, there has not failed ONE WORD of all His good promise.  These devotions are filled with promises He has made to us that we have the power from God to resist temptation and to change our lives.  We can rest knowing that God has not failed.  We have failed over and over and over again.  But God’s word, every word is true and we can rest on His promises.  I must remember that God will not fail, not one word of His promise has failed.  Therefore, we can stand strong on His word and His promises.  Today, we are going to be successful in our journey to eat healthy because God has given us the promises we can rest on, the power we can access.  The power that does not fail.  God and God’s word has not failed.

Prayer:  Thank You Father that You have not failed.  That Your word stands strong.  That your word has not failed, not one word of Your promise.  Father, I fail every day.  I must stand with You, beside You, even in You so that You surround me.  I must honor You by realizing that by Your power I CAN eat healthy.  You have filled Your word with verses, with words that have power.  Today I am going to claim that power.  I am going to know that I can rest according to all You have promised.  Today I am going to claim Your success, every word of Your success.  Fill my body with leptin, make me full and yet give me desires for the healthy foods that Daniel craved and ate.  Give me rest in Your good promise.  Not one word of Your holy spirit has ever failed.  WOW!  I am claiming all these verses to take over my spirit, my sabotage of my own journey.  This is why You called me to pull these verses together Lord so that we can access all this power that will not fail.  Today Father, we will not fail, not one word, not one choice, not one plan.  I am going to rest on this knowledge in peace.  I am awed and honored to have You leading my paths.  You have given me the ability through Your word and I am going to accept this ability.  Today we are going to eat the healthy foods that You created.


Daily Challenge