Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Proverbs 4:20-22

Verse Reflections: My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s body.

Verse Reflections:  Yesterday’s verse commanded us to open the eyes of our heart.  Today’s verse commands us to not let his words out of our sight and to keep them within our heart.  Again, open the eyes of our heart and look at the words we have stored there daily.  God has given us the power through His word to eat healthy but we choose not to listen.  His word is packed with promises and knowledge.  It is up to us to pay attention.  We have to stop our day and fill our hearts, our minds and our souls with His words every day.  When we do, we are accessing His power.  When we keep His words in our heart, we can see them in our hearts when our body is screaming at us to give in.  And how beautiful and appropriate that God says that His words are life and health to one’s whole body.  Does He know us or what?  Who would have thought that these words, this verse, could speak so completely to those of us who struggle with overeating.  When we keep His words in our heart, we are becoming one with His promises.  For years I prayed, I screamed, I chastised myself for not being strong enough to lose weight.  How simple is it to fill myself up with His words, God’s force and might?  He is the only power that can fight the temptations of Satan.  If we pay attention to His words, if we listen to Him early in the day we are filled with a power for the day that we cannot compare.  I am amazed at how easily I pass up temptation when I stop and listen to God’s word.  I am reminded in this verse that for every healthy morsel I eat, for every teaspoon of sugar I pass up, I am becoming more healthy.  I can find the health that Christ is promising in this verse.  This verse commands “do not let them (my words) out of your sight.”  What if we took this literally and  posted inspirational verses throughout our home, our office, on our refrigerator, a sticker on our computer, a bumper sticker, a t-shirt.  If the Lord opens the door and continues the power in my life, I will work to make these available to you.

Prayer:  Oh Father I am humbled at all this verse reveals.  I have been trying so hard to be a powerful person that used the body and mind You gave me to overcome my temptations.  I see now, that I should have been in Your word storing up YOUR power not trying to access mine.  My power is insufficient.  I am powerless against the temptation of food.  But right here, in front of my eyes You promise me that if I put your words in my heart and open my eyes to them You will give me life and health to my whole body.  Wow.  This is just gorgeous.  Thank You for giving me the key to life and health right here in Your word.  This is where my background in science just creates awe because I don’t understand Your power but I have experienced it and I know it works.  I am looking forward to learning more with my limited mind when I die and enter Your presence.  In the meantime, continue to live with Your words in my heart and open the eyes of my heart to see this power.  I am going to live healthy and have the life You have chosen me to have.  I can feel the pressure that builds up in my body when I start fantasizing about food just expel like breaths of air when I repeat Your word.  How does that happen?  I don’t know but it works and I thank You and honor You with a choice to listen.  Today we will listen carefully to Your words.  Hallelujah.

Daily Challenge