Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



God’s people

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” Romans 8:6

Verse Reflections:   The Spirit helps us in our weakness.  So often, I believe I should be strong enough to conquer my eating issues.  I am not.  And yet, this world teaches me that I should be strong enough to conquer any issues like this.  I should have the will power.  The world tells me I am not good enough, I am not pretty enough, I am not disciplined enough.  This verse reminds me that the Holy Spirit will help me in my weakness.  When I am at the end of what I can do, when I do not know how to overcome this weakness, the Spirit will intercede for me, for us.  For decades I have prayed to overcome my weakness.  It has not worked.  The Bible tells us that the word of God is the only offensive tool against the tricks of Satan.  We do not know how to overcome but the Spirit will make the difference.  God will search our hearts and knows what we need.  God wants us to be healthy, it is the will of God for us to be healthy.  God sent the Holy Spirit to be here on earth for us and with us.  He knows our hearts, He will intercede for us.  For years, I have prayed to be in charge.  This verse reminds me that I will never know what to pray for.  I will not be able to conquer without God’s help.  Now I just have to depend on God to intercede for me, for us.  We know the will of God is for us to be healthy, to eat healthy and take care of our body.  So we have to know that He will give us the power we do not have.  God has the strength we do not have.

Prayer:  Lord, I know I am weak.  I know that I do not know what to pray for as is evidenced by the clothes hanging in my closet that I would not dare to wear.  I lift up my weakness to You and ask for Your strength.  I know You have interceded and You have given me the instructions that I still do not follow 100%.  I need You to search my heart and know that I am sincere in my efforts and my desires.  I want to eat healthy.  I want to lose the unhealthy weight off of my body.  I desire to worship You my taking care of my body with good nutrition.  Father, take over my mind, take over my cravings, take over my choices.  Intercede for me.  Convince me to eat Your foods and not to indulge in the unhealthy processed foods that taste so good.  I claim this promise.  You tell us that You will help us in our weakness.  I am weak and I need Your help, desperately.  Today Father I am going to depend on Your strength and acknowledge that I am totally dependent on You.  We are going to eat Your foods, choose Your foods.  Thank You for Your strength.

Daily Challenge