Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Stand firm

But blessed is the man who trusts me, God, the woman who sticks with God. They’re like trees replanted in Eden, putting down roots near the rivers- never a worry through the hottest of summers, never dropping a leaf, serene and calm through droughts, bearing fresh fruit every season. Jeremiah 17:7-8 MSG

Verse Reflections:  Our source of water, our source of strength is God.  Roots serve multiple purposes as they stretch deeply into the ground to allow the tree to grow taller and yet maintain its firm strength as it stretches taller and taller.  Simultaneously, the roots are stretching out for a source of water.  Ironically, the further we have to stretch to reach the water sources, the stronger the foundation becomes making us stand firm through the storms or droughts.  Likewise, we have to stretch out every day for our source of trust.  We have to replant our souls, our lives every day, stretch our roots out to drink the water.  We have to be connected to this source of nourishment in order to thrive.  This verse promises us that when we trust God, He will keep us calm even when life is hard.  He will allow us to produce fruits even in the winter.  Eden is a representation of the ideal location, overflowing with opportunity and fruits.  God promises us here that we will never want for anything if we continually stick with God and trust in Him.  And yet, this verse also promises that we will have droughts.  Today, we have to reach our roots out to God for our living water.  Today we are going to look for our daily gift from You in our Garden of Eden.  Will it be the smile of a child, a rock in the shape of a heart, a deer, a radiant hug?? Today, we will not drop a leaf.  We will trust You to make the choices of God foods.

Prayer:  Father, I stretch my arms up to heaven as my roots to drink in Your power.  I trust in You and I will stick with You even as You protect me daily from the droughts in my life.  I am going to look for Your daily gifts to remind me You are there.  Yesterday, you gave me a hummingbird that perched on a branch by my porch two stories up.  The simple gifts You give me each day, remind me of Your power, remind me of the spiritual water that is running through my body as we grow my roots together.  I need You to wrap me in Your arms.  I have been given Eden.  I have been given the most beautiful fruits and vegetables and the money to buy them.  Give me the joy of eating Your foods.  I know that my body, my roots will grow stronger as I eat the healthy foods.  Give me the serenity You promise in this verse.  Today, Father, we are going to choose Your foods.

Did you know?  Natural/fresh fruits and vegetables have a lot of fiber.  They will keep you full in between meals and decrease the need to snack.

Daily Challenge