Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



But let patience have her perfect work, that you will be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:4

Verse Reflections:  Ah, this is such a good verse for the fall.  I know the Holy Spirit has told me to eat God foods and yet to allow myself the opportunity to have one other food each day.  However, God plus one is not a fast way to lose weight.  Neither is it a slow way to lose weight.  This verse is important.  I need to have patience.  If I just lose one pound a week, I will lose 52 pounds in a year.  End of the story.  I have to be patient and make choices that I can live with for the rest of my life.  Honestly, this verse says it all.  By living this way, I can be “wanting nothing”.  With other ways of eating, I develop cravings.  With other ways of eating I have to write down, or count every item I eat.  I cannot live that way.  I can certainly do anything for a period of time but I finally realized that I need to change my lifestyle to a habit I can live with for the rest of my life.  This way of eating God plus one is perfect and entire for me.  I do not need to have more than one brownie or serving of fries/chips but it is so comforting to know I can eat anything in moderation guilt free.  And, I can concentrate on what I CAN eat.  I can eat any God foods.  Patience will have her perfect work in this new lifestyle.  We do not need to lose weight fast, it will not last.  Eating God foods is a perfect and entire or complete way to live.  We will not want for anything, because we can have everything, just not in the same day.

Prayer:  Father, give me patience.  I hear stories and successes from friends or family who are choosing an extreme lifestyle change that yields fast results in weight loss.  However, I know I am not good with extreme changes.  Give me the patience that yields her perfect work.  I have seen God plus one work.  I just need to have the patience required to allow this lifestyle to be perfect and entire.  My tendency is to question the success when others hold their successes up yielding faster “results”.  And yet, I know my craving have disappeared and I am wanting nothing.  This is success.  This is magical and defies understanding.  I know Father, You have given us the right foods, the right choices.  I hold on to this patience with a fierceness.  Thank You for telling me to only weigh once a month.  I see the successes this way.  I do not micromanage my lifestyle and choices knowing I am living choices I will be making for the rest of my life.  I still listen to the claims of magic pills, fat busting options… erase these ridiculous distractions and allow me to take the hand of patience.  Thank You Father, for giving me this friend.  Today we will be patiently choose Your foods to nourish our bodies knowing that this is forever.

Did you know?  Drinking more water will help your body process the food if you have overeaten.

Daily Challenge