Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“You could have had God’s help”

You asked God for help and he gave you the victory. God is always on the alert, constantly on the lookout for people who are totally committed to Him. You were foolish to go for human help when you could have had God’s help. Now you’re in trouble. II Chronicles 16:8-9 MSG

Verse Reflections:  This is the perfect verse to follow one on patience.  The Lord, has given me the victory.  I know my body, mind and soul have changed since I started eating His foods.  I am committed to this plan He have given us.  In the past, I tried hard to lose weight using all the magical programs humans have created.  I tried writing down everything I ate, counting points, counting calories, counting carbs.  I tried exercising away more calories than I ate.   I tried purging my body of all that I ate.  I tried starving myself.  Yes, “now I’m in trouble”.  I screwed up my brain.  I screwed up my body.  I made mental lists of everything I could and could not eat.  Fruit turned to sugar, nuts had too much fat, beef or pork had too much fat, potatoes or rice were too high in carbohydrates.  Basically, I could only eat green vegetables, fish or chicken if I broke it all down.  So, I would criticize myself daily whenever I stepped over that imaginary line that I created based on what each diet taught me.  Then God gave me the victory over all these crazy lines I drew.  God loudly told me that I should eat anything He made.  Oh, and then He gave me “permission” to have one other serving of whatever else I wanted.  If I had only listened to God early in my eating journey I would not have listened to all the crazy advice of the humans.  I would not have had so much trouble through the years.  I would have eliminated all the self-recriminations that have damaged my self confidence.  Today I am going to have confidence in God’s help.  Today I am going to claim the victory God is giving me over my unhealthy eating habits!  Hallelujah!  God is on the alert to help us today.  God is alert and ready to help us choose and eat His foods.

Prayer:  I love the fact that You are alert and on the lookout for those of here on earth committed to You.  Father, I am so committed to You, to living for You.  And yet, I am weak.  I have to come to You for help.  I renounce the world’s advice on eating healthy and losing weight.  Lord, I am astounded at how You have eliminated the very cravings for foods that made me think I had gone crazy.  You have already helped me more than I dreamed possible.  I pray now for my servings and for my occasional binges.  Continue to help me, to heal me.  I know You have given me victory.  I can feel it.  I can see it.  I trust You.  I am committed to eating Your foods.  I am committed to listening to Your Holy Spirit.  I thank You for being on the alert because there are times where I still hesitate or choose to eat more than I should.  There are still times I want to have more than one serving of foods that You did not create.  I continue to depend on You and probably will need to depend on You until forever.  Send me Your foods today and I will make the choices You give me the power to make.  I ask You for help and You give me victory.  Hallelujah!

Did you know?  You are more likely to overeat in the evening.

Daily Challenge