Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Give all your worries to God”

So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God for He cares about you. I Peter 5:6-7 NLT

Verse Reflections:  I have to be humble under the mighty power of God because I am a complete and utter failure without Him.  I think once I acknowledged this fact and became completely dependent on Him every day to walk with me and assist me with my food choices, realized that His power could make all the difference.  I have begun to make healthy choices “under the mighty power of God”.  I have learned that I cannot depend on my own power.  This is the one place in my life I cannot live under the illusion of control.  I have no power over food temptations so I have to know that God is my power.  The second part of this verse flows perfectly within my struggle.  If I am anxious or worried my body literally tenses and I have a resulting tendency to want to eat or splurge.  If I give those worries and anxieties to God then my body immediately relaxes and interestingly enough I no longer crave those carbugars.  Knowing God cares about this struggle makes a difference.  I think most people write our eating habits off as a minor issue on our scale of issues.  In my life it is huge, God knows it, God cares.  I feel like I hang on by my fingernails some days but the reality is that I need to hang onto God, His mighty power instead of trying to hang on by my own power.

Prayer:  God Your power is so mighty.  I depend on this power today and every day.  I want to eat healthy foods.  I am so tempted each day to depend on myself and then I tend to criticize myself if I choose unhealthy foods.  Today, I am going to put the responsibility on You.  Something in my soul relaxes when I say that.  You are in charge of me getting healthy.  I need to not only choose eat healthy but I need to lose a few pounds to take the pressure off my knees.  And I have to admit, I want to fit back in my clothes and look good too.  Just sayin’.  You care.  You care for me, about me and with me so I am lifting up the reality of my cares.  Thank You for caring about all the details.  Knowing You really care and f

ocusing on You makes the difference in my day.  I love You so much.  I am going to give you my worries and cares today.  You can carry them for a while, maybe forever.  Let’s just have fun planning some good God food meals today with no weight on our back, no anxiety in our souls.  May I represent You here on earth the best I can.  I am going to depend on You to carry me and change my life.  Here’s to God foods and changing my life today… not tomorrow.

Did you know?  Excess amounts of sugar can inflame fat cells causing them to release chemicals that increase weight.

Daily Challenge