Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Deny Yourself”

Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me… For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matthew 16:24, 26

Verse Reflections:  I am not good at denying myself.  And yet, I know denying myself unhealthy food actually works to my advantage.  If I follow the instructions in this verse I will be healthier.  God is reminding us that being a Christian isn’t always easy.  Following Christ is not always easy.  Television, ads keep promising us that losing weight is “easy”.  I don’t think it is ever easy.  We have to expect to have to sacrifice.  Christ sacrificed His entire life, His friendships.. at age 33.  My sacrifices are minor. I just need to eat healthy foods.  I know I can have any foods that I want and ruin my health.  What good is that to me?  What good is it that I gain this indulgence from the whole world and lose my ability to be my best self with God.  I have to stop giving myself permission to eat any food in any quantity that I want.  God is telling us here that we have to be willing to sacrifice.  We have to be willing to deny ourself.  God gave His life for us.  All He is asking us, those of us tempted by foods is to choose healthy foods that He created.  This is not a difficult life.  It is just a change of habit.  We can easily change this habit with God’s help, His scriptural reminders.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for my health.  Thank You for reminding me that I must sacrifice to live the ultimate Christian life.  Thank You for reminding me that I can have any foods I want, I can indulge and lose my health or I can choose to eat Your abundant, healthy foods.  I have to deny my own desires.  I know that when I feed my body sugar and processed carbohydrates I am causing my insulin to spike, I am hardening my arteries, I am creating fatty tissues, I am taxing my liver and my kidneys.  What am I thanking?  Why am I so dense?  And yet, everywhere I look commercials are accentuating unhealthy foods.  We are spending so much time decorating cakes and cookies and other sweets.  I so often gain a small portion of delicious just to lose, to sacrifice my health.  God, help me to deny myself even as I “wait” for Your power to rescue me.  I know when I lift up my temptations to You I feel my anxiety dissipate, just melt away.  Anxiety is my calling card for sugar.  I have trained my body to eat a “treat” when I feel that stress level increase.  What will I give in exchange for my soul, for my health?  Lord, I give You this anxiety today, I lay it down at Your cross.  I then pick up this cross and follow You to health as I choose healthy foods.

Did you know?  Extra glucose is stored in your liver and muscle tissues.  Excess glucose is converted to fatty tissues.

Daily Challenge