Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“I will help you”

Fear not, for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My victorious right hand of rightness and justice. Isaiah 41:10 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  We can do this.  Do not be dismayed when You can’t find anything to wear because you have outgrown it.  Do not be dismayed because Your knees are giving out.  God has promised that He will strengthen us, hold us up with His victorious right hand.  Today we can start changing our course.  Today we can choose righteousness or the right path.  It is so easy to choose a quick, fun meal but that 30 minutes will cause us much distress and fear.  God says here that we are not to fear our present circumstances.  Yes, many times we created a bad situation but God reigns victorious if we let Him.  He is going to harden us to difficulties.  In other words, You are going to get so terrified and dismayed at your current weight and eating habits and health that You are going to cry out to Christ.  You are going to claim the power in this verse and ask Him to hold You up and give us the victory of eating healthy foods.  When we eat those foods we will change our lives.  We will slowly become immune, hardened to temptations.  We will become determined enough that the food pushers around us, the baked goods, the carb laden snacks will just be unhealthy beacons that do not call our names at all. God will hold us up and retain us with His victorious right hand.  Today, we are going to claim that victory!  Eat God foods and enjoy every bite.

Prayer:  Father, it is so easy for me to be dismayed, to give up.  I am so weak, there is no such thing as will power for me when it come to eating.  I have to depend on you.  You promise me here that you will strengthen me and you will harden me to difficulties.  I am warning you, I am sure it is no surprise to you, it is going to take a lot to harden me to the difficulty of resisting binge eating.  Father, I am hopeless.  It is actually ridiculous how hard this journey is for me.  You tell me in this verse in Isaiah that YOU have the power I am trying to have by myself.  You promise me that You are victorious and You will hold me up with Your victorious right hand.  I am officially giving up the possibility of me resisting sugar and overeating by myself.  I am powerless.  I have to depend on you.  I do look around every day in fear and terror that leads to tantalizing excitement circulating images of all the foods I could eat.  You have to strengthen me.  You have to lead me to the path of righteousness.  You have to hold me up because I have collapsed using my own strength.  Take me to a new place.  I am going to visualize You holding me up with Your victorious right arm.  Thank You.

Did you know?  Sugar releasing a surge of a feel good chemical called dopamine.


Daily Challenge