Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Let the weak say I am strong”

Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weak say I am strong. Joel 3:10 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  Notice the action behind the words.  Before you say you are strong you have to beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears.  Nothing is easy.  We have to work at becoming all that we can be.  We have to work, with God’s help, at being strong.  For decades I prayed but I didn’t work at eating healthy.  For decades I prayed but I didn’t read verses that g­­ave me strength and integrated Jesus into the marrow of my soul to win this fight.  We have to consciously work at being healthy and on those days when we desperately want that temptation, we have to work harder and imagine the farmer beating his plowshares into swords.  We have to adopt the mantra that we have been weak but now we are strong.  I have to admit something here… I live in a town where there are a lot of publicly perceived “perfect people” and they kind of nauseate me.  One of my friends shared this morning how wonderful her soft boiled egg was that she had for dinner last night.  I wanted to say, seriously?  That is all you ate?  But I know the answer and at least once a week I hear her talk about how important it is to eat healthy and stay skinny (she would say at a healthy weight but what she means is skinny).  So, that being said, I have to work on wanting to be strong.  There is a part of me that wants to eat 6 doughnuts in front of this personality type.  My weakness I know, not her weakness.  I fight many angles of this eating disorder and that is one of them.  If you are a rabbit eating nothing but edamame and lettuce I want to be the cute little otter eating anything he can harvest using his belly as a table while he swims on his back and laughs.  Meanwhile, the rabbits are squinching their nose up over and over again in judgement at all the overweight people as they munch on the lettuce.  I have to merge the two worlds and quit judging the rabbits.  I have to shout at that I am as strong as they are now.  Today we are going to let the weak say we are strong!! Let the rabbits and otters be strong together as we eat God food today.

Prayer:  Father, forgive me for judging others.  It backfires on me mentally and spiritually.  I am perfect today and every day just the way I am.  I sometimes judge others because I know they are judging me and I want to rebel and retreat to my comfort zone of “not caring”.  I want to over indulge in those moments to spite the skinny rabbit lifestyles.  I can’t eat salads every meal so thank you for giving me foods I can eat and still lose weight and be healthy.  I bow at your feet in adoration for the options.  I love those options and I know they work as well as one single solitary boiled egg.  Give me the strength to be strong.  I pray that You can beat my mind into submission through Your scripture into a strong sword against all temptations.  God You have all the strength in the universe.  Your words have power.  I have been weak but today I am strong thanks to Your power and the power in Your words, the scriptures.  Let me, the weak say I am strong.  Thank You for giving me the strength to eat God foods today.

Did you know?  Sugar causes joint pain due to the inflammation it causes in your body.

Daily Challenge