Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Pray long and hard”

God’s word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out. Ephesians 6:17-18 MSG

Verse Reflections:  “Essential” and “indispensable” both mean absolutely necessary.  God’s word and prayer are both life changing.  Without God’s word and prayer we cannot control any habit that is out of control. And make no mistake this is warfare.  Satan knows exactly where our weakness is.  Whether you are extremely obese or just fight the neurosis that I fight daily and juggle 20-30 extra pounds… Satan knows.  He knows what separates us from God and in the U.S. being thin is revered.  For those of us who work hard for perfection this is a dangerous ledge we balance on. I have to start my day with a Bible verse that infuses me with power.  I have changed since I began collecting these scriptures that speak to me on this journey.  The verses actually allow me to look around and realize that I am not on a ledge at all.  I am on solid ground and Jesus is right beside me.  Absorbing the scriptures leads me right into prayer.  I bring God into my day and into my battle.  I find that Satan seldom attacks me on the days that I begin with God’s word, the only offensive weapon we have in the Bible.  And yet, I have to pray long and hard every day.  I am weak.  I am powerless in this fight.  For decades I have lost this fight.  I am astounded that just adding Bible verses has changed my relationship to this battle.  God is showing me that He has already won the war.  I just have to surround myself with His word and ask daily for His power to surround me like a fortress.  We have to be aware, keep our eyes open for all Satan’s tricks even behind this fort.  He will tell us we NEED to splurge, he will tell us we DESERVE to eat unhealthy foods, he will tell us it is MORE FUN to eat unhealthy foods, he will tell us the unhealthy foods TASTE BETTER.  The most effective trick he uses with me is to tell me I will just starve myself or diet TOMORROW.  And, of course, we all know that tomorrow will never change our lives.  Today is the only day that will change our life.

I love the last part of this verse, reminding us to keep each other’s spirits up so we are all successful together.  I haven’t figured this out for me but I hope these verses will one day help others and encourage each person.

Prayer:  Father, this verse meant so much to me I will make this prayer short.  Your word is absolutely necessary for me on this journey.  When I start my day with Your word I am a different person.  Thank You for the power You give us through Your scripture.  It has changed me.  God, thank You for reminding me that this is warfare.  That means that everyday I have to pick up this weapon that You have provided.  I know I can win the war when I stop and just read a verse.  God, when I ask, You give me power that is beyond my capabilities.  I praise You for this.  I will always pray hard and long.  I have prayed for decades, I have just failed to pick up the absolutely necessary weapon of Your word.  Today I claim Your promises and the power of scripture and prayer.  Today we will eat the beautiful foods You created.

Did you know:  Stress causes your body to produce a hormone called cortisol.  This hormone literally makes you hungry.

Daily Challenge