Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Put it into action”

And I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ. Philemon 1:6 NLT

Verse Reflections:  Paul is praying for all of us to take what God has generously given us and put it into action.  What beautiful words.  We have a generous God and He has given us enough.  Period.  He has given us more than enough in His generosity.  And yet, we doubt that we have enough.  I look at my life and I have experienced so much good in my life.  I have everything I need.  I have always had everything I needed even when in tremendous debt.  I must open my eyes in the morning and thank God in praise for His generosity.  I understand that He has always provided for me even when I doubted His timing.  Generosity is the sharing an overflowing.  By emulating the selfless nature of Christ, my time, attention, choices and trust becomes centered on God not myself.  We can get a grocery cart and then carry our groceries in our hand.  Or we can trust and know that there is plenty of space in the grocery cart and lay our groceries and our burdens into the cart.  God is generous in His gift of faith.  We have to know that He will always give us the power to do that He has called us to do.  We must know this, understand it and experience it today as You choose God foods and thank Him for giving You the generous, overflowing faith by which to eat right.  Today we will put into action our faith.

Prayer:  Father, I echo the prayer that Paul lifted up to Philemon, a leader.  He is praying for action.  God, give me action.  Put me on the spiritual journey that You have called me to walk.  I do have faith, Lord give me the generosity of faith that eliminates doubt in my abilities to act.  I so easily doubt my today.  It is so easy for me to have faith in tomorrow but I tend to doubt my abilities to act today and each today turns into a tomorrow.  God I have to have faith today in all the good things I have in You.  I know if I recognized how You have blessed me, my generosity, my overflow of faith and trust, will become a heartfelt response.  I have to intentionally make the choice to extend generous faith to my own life even when it requires sacrifice.  Allow me to be a living, breathing example of a faith driven lifestyle.  I know the day I begin this journey I will create a ripple effect on others.  The power of living by this sacrificial faith, and yet generous, available faith will align me with the essence of Your teachings.  God, bridge the gap between my faith and my actions.  This verse promises me that faith is indeed transformative and will change my life and the lives of everyone I touch with Your generosity.  I love You.

Did you know:   Fructose is processed in the liver and large amounts can damage the liver.

Daily Challenge