Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“With God nothing is impossible”

With God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. Then Mary said, Behold, I am the handmaiden of the Lord; let it be done to me according to what you have said. And the angel left her. Luke 1:37-38 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  This is the verse I need to hear today.  If God can create a baby in a virgin then I think He can give me the desires of my heart to eat healthy.  We have 365 verses that give us the promise of the power of God.  “No word from God will be without power”.  Hallelujah, God be praised.  Of all people in this world, I am the one to doubt this.  I have fought the demon of eating, of overindulging for forty years.  Many of my friends would doubt this seriously, yet my husband who knows me best, knows.  I have never been more than forty pounds overweight but once again, if I didn’t run, I would weigh 60 pounds more a year.  In five years, I would weigh 300 more pounds, in ten years I would weigh 600 more pounds and near death.  You can’t out eat me.  I am just saying.  God is promising us in this verse that nothing is impossible.  Nothing is impossible to fulfill.  I have changed since I began searching scripture for this power.  Yesterday, I had a hard day but God surrounded me.  I went out to a local bakery and bought 3 small cookies, 1 very large cookie and a bag of cheese straws.  My plan was to eat all of them.  They were not good.  I nibbled and I put them on our snack table at work for others.  Nothing is impossible.  God can surround us despite ourselves.  Once again, no word from God is without power.  Today we need to claim that power, even when we have none inside ourselves.  Eating God foods is an amazing life change.  You will notice your craving disappearing.  Processed foods make us crave more processed foods.  God foods actually satisfy your hunger cravings.

Prayer:  Father, you promise us that no word from You will be without power.  Lord, give me that power today and every day.  I do not have power to resist processed foods without You.  You are the source of power that I need.  Your foods are the source of the power that I need.  I am powerless.  For decades I tried to access my “willpower”.  I failed.  Thank You for being my will, for being my power.  I love You so much.  You created this amazing body that works.  Help me to lose any excess weight that will affect the way my body works, that will affect my joints, my bones, my organs, my brain.  I don’t want to pound my joints into being unhealthy due to the weight.  God, You tell me nothing is impossible.   I believe You.  On my own, it is impossible for me to change my eating habits.  With You, we can make this happen.  Surround me with this power.  Inhabit my body with this power.  Take over my brain with this power.  I have to have Your power to walk this journey.  As Mary said, I am Your handmaiden, let it be done according to what You have said.  Today, we are going to know Your power and choose the foods You have given us that increase our power daily.  I love You.

Did you know?  When we eat the wrong foods we have inflammatory reactions in our body.  This inflammation can make our Hypothalamus (an area of our brain) inflamed which causes the Hypothalamus not to let the leptin into our brain which means we never feel full.

Daily Challenge