Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Take all the help you can get”

Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. Ephesians 6:13-16 MSG

Verse Reflections:  God knows us well.  It is fascinating that He has to remind us to take all the help we can get.  Let’s break this down:  1.  If we are truthful with ourselves, with God and those that love us we can acknowledge the demons that cause us to overeat.  Is there abuse in your past?  Is there a lack of confidence?  Is there a reason you don’t want to be seen as attractive?  Is there a lack of positive feedback from your spouse, or parent or friends? Have we never been taught how to eat healthy foods?  Are we addicted to carbugers?  2.  If we separate ourselves from people on this earth, if we choose the right path, choose righteousness we can rise to the calling we know in our heart Jesus has called us to live.  3.  Anxiety and stress builds up cortisol, a hormone that makes us hungry.  If we claim God’s peace in the middle of life’s storms, we will literally be less hungry.  4.  Faith will allow us to be confident in our journey.  Faith will give us the power to reach up to Christ to have success in our journey of eating healthy when we have never before been successful.  5.  Salvation is a gift of saving us from all our sins.  We have succumbed to the sin of overeating over and over again.  God has saved us from this indulgence.  God has saved us from our sin, including gluttony.

God is right… we will need all of these weapons all our lives.  Claim them.  Live them. “So when it is all over but the shouting, we will still be on our feet.”  Expect to eat healthy, live healthy and be healthy.  Eat God foods today and every day.

Prayer:  Father, allow me to be truthful with myself.  Give me the truth that allows me to be transparent with You.  Allow that truth to send a radiance out into my life that will heal my binge eating.  Allow me to be confident and love myself with a depth that overpowers the power of unhealthy foods calling to me.  Give me the path of right-ness that raises me to know I will choose healthy foods.  Give me the peace that calms my soul, even in the middle of stress and breaks the bondage of cravings.  Give me the faith in You to know we can be successful in choosing healthy foods.  You have saved me.  You are the root of all salvation.  Save me today from the prison of foods.  Only You have the key to this prison I have created for myself.  While I stare from behind the bars, I know I stepped willfully inside this prison, yet, I cannot find the key.  I have to take all the help You can give me.  I have to use every weapon You have given us.  The greatest weapon of all, the only offensive weapon, Father is Your word and I know it is making all the difference.  I love You.  Today we choose God foods with all the help You are extending to me.  The key is in Your hands and I willfully, by choice, take the key from You and unlock the door and step out into freedom.

Did you know?  Your metabolism speeds up when it tries to burn off extra calories and you may experience hot flashes, sweat or even dizziness (MD Anderson)

Daily Challenge