Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“God’s ways are higher”

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV

Verse Reflections:  I am so glad God’s ways are higher than mine.  His thoughts are higher than my thoughts.  I think about food way too often.  If I begin my day with God, think about His purpose for my life then my thoughts will not include wild imaginings about what I will eat for the next meal.  God’s thoughts are always wanting the best for us in His kingdom.  That includes life lessons that lead us to the fruits of the spirit:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  He promises us that we will encounter hard times, battles.  Each journey to the top of the mountain of God’s higher ways develops strength.  We have to have confidence that He has a plan that is beyond our simple human way of looking at the world.  I am convinced that “good” by our definition is not always “good” by God’s definition.  Would He rather us have a million dollars in the bank or dedicate ourselves to helping others and owning generosity?  Would He rather us have a perfect body by eating non-nutritional iceberg lettuce or by eating nutritious meals and exercising to treasure what He has given us developing self-control and patience along the way.  Would He rather us stay home all day watching tv or use the talents He has given us to help others embracing the joy that serving gives us?

Look up to the stars and embrace the distance… God’s ways are higher than the heavens.  Whenever life does not go according to our plan we can rest in the knowledge that His plan is greater.  His plan is higher.  We do not need to eat in order to handle the stress of this life.  We do not need to eat when we get bored.  We need to open our Bible, open our lives, open our pocket books, open our journals.  We need to scour His word to regain our confidence that he is with us, He is in control of a life that sometimes feels like it is spiraling out of control.  We need to share our resources when He has blessed us to watch the joy on the face of others.  We need to share our time to serve others.  We need to open our journals and write out our feelings, glorifying Christ with every word, even when we share our frustrations and issues.  When we write to God, our words always end with bringing Him closer.  Today we are going to worship His higher ways with choosing to eat the foods He created.  He knew how we needed to eat when He made this world, the plants and animals to nourish these beautiful bodies.  Today we are going to eat God foods and train our thoughts to become higher like His.

Prayer:  Father, I am astounded at Your power, the way You take care of us even when we are lost.  Thank You for creating the exact foods we need to eat in order to be healthy and have the bodies You want us to have.  God, my thoughts are so often impure and not healthy when it comes to eating.  Please give me Your thoughts that are higher than mine.  Give me Your ways that are higher than the heavens.  I am weak, I am so imperfect.   And while I acknowledge this, I grasp at the hope that You can change me.  If Your ways are higher than this earth, even higher than the heavens than You can change my ways.  Father, I have a lifetime of having unhealthy eating habits.  Will You embrace me, will You change me?  Will You allow me to reach up to the heavens to feel Your power?

Did you know:  When you eat junk foods, processed foods, your body releases a burst of dopamine a hormone that makes us feel happy.  This is why you crave processed foods when you are anxious or depressed.


Daily Challenge