Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



The LORD your God, who goes before you, will fight for you, just as you saw Him do for you in Egypt. Deuteronomy 1:30

Verse Reflections:  I need God to go before me.  I need Him to lock my cupboards.  I need Him to keep my car steering straight when it tries to go through drive through.  I need Him to block my eyes from all the interior aisles at the grocery store, especially the baking aisle.  I take comfort in the fact that God goes before us and will fight for us.  My body literally relaxes with that thought. Food is such an enemy for me that while I adore planning meals, I also get tense with the battle of what foods to choose when I crave an option that I know is not healthy.  When I shut the door and just say, “that is not an option”, I relax.  As a married person, we have to just shut the door to being attracted to anyone but our spouse.  It is not an option.  Likewise, we must believe that Christ has gone before us and has already won the battle.  The door is shut to options that are not healthy.  And yet, we do not need to chastise ourselves for having one of anything.  How refreshing.  How liberating.  How amazing!  I am freed, just like the Egyptians were freed from slavery.  God has freed me from decades of fighting the battle with foods.  How ridiculous to say it out loud.  It is embarrassing to admit that a thing has so much power over me.  But I have to admit that it does and this battle, for me, is real.

Prayer:  Father, You have freed me as You freed the Israelites.  You promise me that You will go before me and fight for me.  I need to remind myself when I want to allow my mind to tangle in the thoughts of food that You already won the battle.  I just need to relax and enjoy the foods You created.  I need to just plan on eating right and losing weight.  Hallelujah!  You are powerful, You are mighty.  Thank You for going before me and paving the way for me to be successful.  The Israelites doubted You over and over.  And yet, You delivered them from slavery.  God, they wandered in the desert for 40 years.  I also have wandered in the desert, in temptation for far too long.  It is easy for me to shake my head in disbelief that they were so close but yet so far.  And here I am… so close and yet so far.  Today I am going to realize that I am sooooo close to choosing a healthy diet.  I am going know that You have fought the battle for me and I will eliminate my binges that bring all my progress to a crash and creates havoc on my body.  Thank You.  Continue to go before and fight.  I will follow closely and quit fighting!  Hallelujah!

Daily Challenge