Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Do not be deceived. Bad company ruins good morals. I Corinthians 15:33

Verse Reflections:  As crazy as it sounds, we need to watch where we go, who we hang with and the foods that are available.  How many “food pushers” do you know?  How many times do you have a friend that always brings delectable foods to tempt you?  Do you have that friend that encourages to start tomorrow?  Do you have that friend that says “just one”?  It doesn’t mean that we have to not be around that person at all but it does mean we have to be ready.  A person that is not tempted by food will not be able to understand the relevance of this verse.  It will appear extreme, but we know that there are times in our lives that we have to be aware of every temptation out there.  I have to avoid certain situations.  I can no longer deceive myself and tell myself that it is okay.  I am in a war and I do not have the ability to be in certain situations.  I cannot be around certain foods.  I am an addict for beautiful bakery items.  I can say no until you put me in a room with baked items that are hard to reproduce.  I will throw a normal pound cake in the trash can but you produce a moist, crispy crust pound cake that is hard to bake, I will eat 1/3 of the cake (of course not in front of you).  Therefore, I have to avoid bad company, certain restaurants, people that tempt me with these crazy temptations.  They ruin my morals.  It is easy to think this way when we think of alcoholics.  However, food addictions are just as serious.  We cannot be deceived and think that it is okay to continuously be around temptation or people that encourage us to indulge.  This is serious.  We are destroying our bodies, our spirits and our futures.

Prayer:  Father, I can no longer deceive myself.  I am powerless in certain situations.  I have to avoid certain people, certain restaurants, certain foods.  I have to keep company with strong people that eat right.  I have to put good foods in my cabinets.  But God, You have to keep close to me.  This is not easy for me.  I have always enjoyed eating.  I have always enjoyed baking.  God You have power to change me.  God bad company for me includes certain foods.  I cannot keep deceiving myself that I can keep certain foods in my kitchen.  I cannot keep deceiving myself that I can buy one of certain foods.  I cannot keep deceiving myself that I can eat at certain restaurants, I will literally double back to place the same order again because certain orders create hunger and cravings.  Help me learn from those who have no issues with foods.  Give me the ability to say no when I know I am going over to people’s houses that I know will not prepare healthy foods.  Get me ready, give me power beyond myself.  Get me ready for the “bad” company and give me good choices.  I love You God.  God foods today and no deceiving myself.

Daily Challenge