Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Shielded all day long

Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him for He shields him all day long, and the Lord rests between His shoulders. Deuteronomy 33:12

Verse Reflections: My soul relaxes when I read this verse. We get to be secure (fastened as to not be lost; free from danger). God shields us all day long! We need to acknowledge this and accept it. So often I ask for protection when the reality is that we already have protection we just have to recognize this as a fact. We are shielded from temptations. When they try to peek around the corner, we need to send them back and remind them that we are secure in the knowledge that Christ protects us. The Lord is right with us, resting between our shoulders. I love this imagery. My tension goes to that spot. Next time I feel the tension in my shoulders and neck I am going to remind myself that God is resting right there. We are beloved by God. Imagine the confidence we can have knowing that God is shielding us from danger all day long. How many times does He hold an umbrella over our head as it is storming? It doesn’t mean we won’t get wet but we are shielded.  How many times does He go before us and brush the stones from our path. It doesn’t mean we won’t have to go uphill or around boulders, but we have the confidence knowing that we are being protected. Next time we feel the pull of food addictions and temptations we need to remind ourselves that God is resting between our shoulders and is shielding us from the power of these temptations. It doesn’t mean we don’t have them but it does mean we have the power to be shielded from them.

Prayer: Oh God this imagery makes my soul relax. Thank You. Thank You for shielding me all day long. Thank You for going before me and brushing the stones that I might trip over from my path. Thank You for protecting me from the temptations that overtake me. Thank You that I know I am fastened as to not be lost to Your side. You are actually resting between my shoulders and watching over me. When I think of You up in the sky it is easier to give way to my temptations. But when I think of You right here peering over my shoulder at everything I do and eat then I am stronger. I have accountability. It is not as easy to excuse myself and plan on “being better tomorrow”. Thank You for watching over me. Thank You for shielding me from my food addictions and cravings. I know it will not be easy but I can rest secure in the knowledge that You have already protected me. I am not powerless because You have given me Your power. You are resting right between my shoulders. Thank You God. Peer over my shoulder in the grocery store, in my kitchen, in the restaurants and drive throughs.  Knowing You are there allows me to make better choices and choose the God foods that You created.


Daily Challenge