Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Results (Bearing Fruit)

This to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:8

As we embark on the journey of weight loss, it’s natural to focus on our goals—healthier habits, physical changes, and renewed energy. But John 15:8 invites us to see this process as something deeper: an opportunity to bear fruit that glorifies God. As we lean on Him for strength and perseverance, we reflect His love, patience, and discipline to those around us, showing ourselves to be His disciples. Bearing fruit is more than just achieving results; it’s about letting God’s character shine through in everything we do. When we choose nutritious foods, stay active, or press forward despite setbacks, we’re making choices that honor the body He’s given us. These small acts of discipline and care are like seeds of faithfulness, watered by His Spirit, and they bear fruit over time—in our health, in our relationships, and in our witness to others. As we persevere on this journey, we learn patience, trust, and resilience. We’re reminded that, ultimately, our bodies are a gift, and caring for them is one way to honor God. By taking each step with Him, we open ourselves up to growth and transformation that goes beyond physical changes. Our journey becomes a testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness, an example to others of what it means to live intentionally for His glory.

Let this journey to better health be about more than the results we see in the mirror. The pursuit of health can be an act of worship, an inspiration to others. I actually am more successful in eating right if I make it about others. We need to seek to bear fruit that reflects God’s love, patience, and strength. Trust that He is working in you, growing something beautiful that will last. And if you do lose weight as a wonderful benefit you can give God the glory for Your successes.

Lord, thank You for giving me this journey as an opportunity to bear fruit for Your glory. I am frustrated just by the mere fact that I am not losing weight fast but I know it will come. Remind me that “bearing fruit” in Your kingdom may mean feeding my body nutritious foods rather than processed foods. “Bearing fruit” in Your kingdom may mean having good health verses being skinny. Separate me out from the world’s definitions of bearing fruit. Give me the strength to make the right choices of natural, God foods. Help me to see each small choice as a way to honor You. Give me the patience to persevere, knowing that You are working in me and with me. Let my journey be a testimony of Your faithfulness. Remind me that I am your disciple. That means I have to follow Your teachings and You teach us to eat healthy foods. I want to show myself as a disciple in the world’s terms but I also have to realize that sometimes the world doesn’t see what You see. Either way, I want to live so that I glorify You. God, You are my teacher. May I be Your disciple today and follow Your teaching to eat the foods You created. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Daily Challenge