Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



The Path

The path of righteousness is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. Proverbs 4:18

Verse Reflections:  Righteousness can be rephrased as “right-ness”. The path of choosing the right foods is like the first gleam of dawn, the sunrise that shines in our darkness. Let’s face it, every day that we eat unhealthy foods we fight multiple battles. We fight the battle of feeling low or depression because of our blood sugar crash. We fight the battle of cravings and compulsions because our leptin is blocked and we never feel full. We fight the battle of self-recrimination because we know we should have made different choices. We face the battle of self-loathing because we do not like the way we look in the mirror. So… choose the path of “right-ness” and we will see glimmers of light each time we choose God foods. Our emotions will stabilize (the sun peaks up over the horizon), our cravings and compulsions will disappear (a beautiful red sun emerges) we will begin to be proud of ourselves in our choices (the sun crawls up into the sky) and eventually we will begin to love the reflection in the mirror (the full light of day). With each decision we feel the light of God shining on us. Our journey toward healthier living can feel like the first glimmer of light at dawn, barely visible but full of promise. Like the sunrise that gradually grows brighter, each choice we make for our well-being—whether it’s what we eat, how we move, or how we care for ourselves—adds to that light. As we walk this path of righteousness, we are building habits that will make us healthier. Today we will choose God foods

Lord, thank You for being the Light that guides us on the path of righteousness.  Help us to make choices that honor You, building a lifestyle that reflects You. Noone is watching me when I eat that desert or carb laden processed foods. Noone knows if I have seconds. And, yet, I know You see. I know that You are the only one that can shine a light bright enough for me to see a new path. You can give me the ability to choose the right foods, God foods. Strengthen me on this journey to health, especially in the moments when progress feels slow. May my path be easy to see, easy to navigate. Light the right path with the dawn growing to the fullness of day and may my life shine with Your love and light. Today, we are going to walk the path choosing the right foods.



Daily Challenge