Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



I John 2:15-16 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the vain glory (inordinate pride in one’s self, vanity) of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.

Verse Reflections:  Oh Lord I am in trouble.  I love the things that are in the world.  I LOVE food.  I LUST after food.  I am a little vain in that I want to look and be skinny.  I don’t spend hours getting ready or reapply makeup or have to wear makeup to the grocery store…  But this verse is slamming my love for food all the way to the ground.  God is telling us in clear black and white, no “if, and, or but” we need to get over our love of and lust for food, our lust for the perfect body.   YIKES.  I want to change but I don’t want to give up the fun of loving food.  And then I have to examine why I want to change. Yes, if I am honest it is that vain glory, that vanity.  I want to look good in my clothes, look good in pictures.  I definitely want to be healthy too but if I peek deep into my soul my vanity is the drive for me because I am healthy so I take that part of life for granted at this phase in life.  I have to focus on the love of the Father, focus on Christ.  I do know something powerful happens in me when I focus on God instead of this world.  God is telling us, in this verse that we have to focus on our Father, not this world.  God created us.  He thinks we are beautiful now.  We have to keep our eyes on Him.  Research tells us we have up to 50 thoughts per second.  Every time we want to criticize ourselves, focus on the world’s perception, the world’s vanity we must speak the words of Christ to ourselves.

Prayer:  Father, Surround me, encompass me and let me live in Your world.  I am not successful in my healthy eating habits when I focus on this world and this verse sheds light on some of the reasons why.  Thank You for taking my love for food, my lust for food, my vanity and placing it in a rocket and blasting it away from this world.  Just send it into outer space.  I am not sure I can do this on my own.  Let me rephrase that, I am sure I can’t do this on my own.  When You are inside me looking out I do see things with Your eyes instead of my own.  I look out with love instead of judgement and criticism which means I love my own body.  I look out for people that need me instead of planning a meal.  Father, guide me today and live inside me.  If You are inside me, we can live in Your world here on earth, in this world.  I am going to imagine a little world around me that encompasses You and me floating through the day.  Today, we are going to live in Your world, and eat healthy because other things will take priority.  Love You tons.

Daily Challenge