Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Forget the past—press on!

“…But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13,14

Next year will come whether or not we do anything differently today.  Help us forget our past failures and live for today.  Just because we were not successful last year or even yesterday does not mean we cannot be successful today.  I am going to forget that I have ever gained weight, that I have lived with uncontrolled cravings.  I am going to live today pressing on toward the goal, the prize of living a healthy life.  God has called me to live for Him.  If I live for Him then I know I have to eat healthy foods.  It is so easy to criticize myself, to be skeptical of my ability to lose these pounds.  No more.  This verse tells us to forget the past.  We need to strain toward what is ahead.  Uh-oh.  That means this will not be easy! But it doesn’t have to be easy.  How many times have we criticized the alcoholic, the cigarette smoker, the drug addicted person, the person that didn’t take care of themselves?  We are that person.  We have to live a healthy life too.  We are putting forty pounds of pressure on our joints for every ten pounds overweight that we are.  We have to press on toward the goal of healthiness.  This is part of our current journey toward heaven.  The kingdom is “at hand”. That means we can make heaven begin here on earth or we can make hell begin here on earth.  It is our choice.  He has called us heavenward.  And He has given us the power in Christ Jesus to move toward heaven.  Don’t get on the scale.  Don’t criticize yourself.  Eat God foods and get rid of the cravings and the rest will happen.  It may not be fast but we know the difference.  Today is the only day that will change our life.  If we eat God foods today then we can forget yesterday.  If we eat God foods today we are one step closer to our goal.  We are one step closer to the prize.  We know God wants us to be healthy.  Forget anything that makes us think we cannot be healthy and press on.  That is our new t-shirt:  “press on”.  We’ve got this.  We will be successful today.  We are going to press on toward the goal of eating healthy and living with a healthy weight.  We will win this prize we crave.  Christ Jesus has given us the power.

Prayer:  God I know I need to forget the past, forget my failures.  I need to strain toward what is ahead.  I have to press on toward my goal of living a healthy life.  Give me the power to eat healthy foods.  Give me the power to eat healthy, to be healthy.  It is a simple formula and yet I have to forget what is behind because I have failed.  God, I know I have to press on.  Today that is my motto.  Press on and reach for healthy foods.  Reach for God foods.  In order to do that I have to have Your power behind me.  You have called me heavenward.  Every day I should be closer to You.  Every day I should be making Your choices.  The only way I can do this is to move closer to You every minute.  Lord, I know “the prize” should start here on earth.  If You are in our lives then “the kingdom is at hand”.  There are days that I skip, and feel light and happy and full of joy.  I know that I am in Your presence on those days.  Lord, remove the parts of me that invite darkness and temptation.  Fill me with Your power so that I can eliminate my temptations with Your help.  Today we are going to press on.  I love You Lord thank You for giving me the power of God plus one.

Did you know?  God foods take longer to digest which creates a slow glucose release, eliminating spikes.

Daily Challenge