Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Be confident in God”

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  For so many years I have searched for the path God wanted me to take or perhaps more importantly, the path that I could take to address my eating issues successfully.  When the Holy Spirit revealed that I should eat God foods I still hesitated due to my inability to understand why I overate and had continuous cravings.  When I began to search the scriptures for insight and direction I began to feel His direction from inside.  I began to eat His foods and slowly realized my physical cravings were disappearing.  When I researched cravings I realized that eating processed foods actually blocks the hormone that makes us feel full and stimulates the hormone that makes us feel hungry.  It is no wonder we cannot rely on our own insight.  We are changing our body chemistry without even realizing it.  By trusting in the voice of the Holy Spirit, He changed my path without me even realizing why it was working so well.  I have to admit that even without the physical cravings, I still have to fight daily my mental cravings.  I have to start my day with His word to lean on and be confident in the Lord.  I have to trust in Him with all my heart and mind.  By doing this, by recognizing His power, I am changing my life one day at a time.  I am walking on the path that Christ has chosen for me and for us to walk.  The path of health and sanity.  The path to choosing foods that are healthy and will create healthy bodies, minds and spirits.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for making this path plain.  You know I am slow to accept direction at times.  You kept whispering (loudly) for me to eat Your foods and finally I listened.  You took the crooked path I was traveling and straightened it.  I have found that as I search Your scripture, Your words, I gain strength, confidence.  This is working!! Thank You Lord.  You have directed me to a path I can walk on for the rest of my life.   This in and of itself is a miracle.  I do not want to yo yo up and down with my weight or my eating habits.  Neither is healthy.  Thank You for giving me the confidence to do this.  Thank You for giving me the scripture that enhances my trust in You, my trust in my own abilities.  God, You are always the answer but thank You for making the foods that have changed my crazy roller coaster ride with food.

Did you know:  Processed foods lack the fiber and nutrients that help to fill us up and they stimulate the production of ghrelin, the hormone that causes us to be hungry.

Daily Challenge