Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“God has a grip on our hand”

Stalwart walks in step with God; his path blazed by God, he’s happy. If he stumbles, he’s not down for long. God has a grip on his hand. Psalm 37:23-24 MSG

Verse Reflections:  What a beautiful picture of God having our hand.  If we stumble, we are not down for long because He has a grip on our hand!   Stalwart means reliable, dependable, hardworking.  This verse reminds us that even when we are in step with God we must still be hardworking.  We must make a decision to be reliable and dependable as we walk on this path God has blazed for us.  He has told us to eat God foods.  When we walk in step with God, on this path we are happy.  We are confident because we know we are making healthy choices.  And yet, this verse reassures us that if we stumble, we will not be down for long.   We can rest in the knowledge that God will help us, He will steady us, He will even pull us up.  How often have we sunk into blackness because we ate until we could not breathe?  We flog ourselves mentally and sometimes continue to eat because we are so depressed.  This verse reassures us that it is okay to stumble, we can smile and squeeze God’s hand.  We will not be down for long!! Say that again to yourself.  I will not be down for long!! We will walk on this path blazed by God.  This path has already been created.  All we have to do is eat God foods. They are delicious.  They are healthy for us, good for our bodies.  We will be happy knowing we are treasuring our beautiful bodies.  Today we will choose God foods, we will walk this path while holding God’s hand.

Prayer:  Father this image makes me so happy.  I love thinking about walking through life holding your hand.  And to know that if I fall, I will not be down long.  After a long battle with eating I am comforted by the knowledge that You will pull me up if I go down.  Today hold my hand tight.  I am going to plan to eat the foods You have created.  Please lead me where I need to go, please encourage my choices.  I have fallen so many times in the past I am afraid to believe in myself.  It gives me confidence to know You are helping me this time.  I thank You for this verse.  I must also become “stalwart” or hardworking.  I know I can’t just hold Your hand and run.  I have to work on walking, walking fast and then running.  I know I have to just say no even when it is easier to say yes.  I will work hard Lord but I am weak so I need You by my side.  Thank You for reminding me that we are walking hand in hand on this journey.  Thank You that You are blazing my path.  It makes all the difference.  I love You so much.  Thank You.

Did you know?  A hormone called leptin tells you that you are full.

Daily Challenge