Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“An empowered life”

God’s way is not a matter of mere talk; it’s an empowered life. I Corinthians 4:20 MSG

Verse Reflections:  Ah, so are going from thinking and talking to ourselves to acknowledging that God’s way is EMPOWERED!  For years we have talked about living and eating healthy, being “skinny”, living in the normal weight range.  Today God is telling us very clearly that we get the live above our capabilities.  We get to live a glorious life, trusting in God to give us power.  We have power.  When we see those treats that call our name remember that God can close our ears to their song.  We do not have to listen.  The power of the sugar and salt

is nothing compared to our God’s power.  We need to link our hope to Him, not to our own abilities.  We are powerless but God is Empowered!  In a world of darkness, anxiety, and hopelessness, we have hope.  We have a light that shines brightly and illuminates the path that we must walk.  We have to now dare to claim this power for our own.  It is not an easy, straight path but we have the power to walk on it through God.  Do not expect this journey to be easy but expect to have the power to walk it.  We must not just talk about eating healthy.  We must do it.  Eliminate the thought of “tomorrow”.  Tomorrow has to be today.  If you indulge today, you are not living “God’s way”.  You are yielding to the power of Satan.  God is telling us that His way is not a matter of mere talk.  We have to choose today to live as He called us to live.  We have to live the empowered life.  Choose it and loose it.

Prayer:  God, today I am not going to be all about talking or promising that “tomorrow’ I am going to start living healthy. You have empowered me to live healthy today.  I know that tomorrow will never change my life so thank You for reminding me that Your way is not about mere talk.  Thank You for reminding me that You have given me power that is beyond my own human power.  Father, I am excited to grasp Your hand and live an empowered life. I am ready.  My head feels weird, my body is heavy, I have indulged in foods that literally makes me feel sick at times.  I am done.  Give me the power to be empowered.  I know eating Your foods will make me feel better, look better and do more things.  Taking the difficult road of choosing healthy foods will allow be to take the easier road of living healthy.  I have to use Your power to gain my own power here on earth.  Take my hand because I have been all talk up to this point.  To the point that I have written months of devotions and yet have not make the choices I need to make.  Let’s do this.  You have empowered me and I am going to claim that power today.  I love You.

Did you know?  The average American eats 17 teaspoons of sugar per day  (WebMD)

Daily Challenge