Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



He hushes the storm

Then they cry to the Lord in their trouble, and He brings them out of their distresses. He hushes the storm to a calm and to a gentle whisper, so that the waves of the sea are still. Then the men are glad because of the calm, and He brings them to their desired haven. Psalm 107:28-30 AMPC

Scripture Reflections:  Yes, we must cry out to the Lord and have confidence that He will bring us out of our distresses.  We have had a storm swirling around us, roaring and crackling with lightning, convincing us that in the midst of this chaos we cannot eat healthy and lose weight.  The truth is, God can hush this storm.  He can teach us to walk in the eye of the storm, hear only a whisper and see the crashing waves calm to a gentle repeating soft lapping sound.  When we learn to realize that every storm has a center where God lives that is calm, we can live the lives of health God has called us to live.  We cannot calm the storms, we cannot find the eye.  Only God can lead us to this beautiful center of the chaos of our lives.  Look around you.  Noone has a perfect life.  We all have ups and we have downs but there is always something that will bring us anxiety or sadness.  Cry to the Lord in your trouble and let Him bring you out of your distress.  He won’t always make the circumstances different but He will lead You to the center so You can feel the calm and realize that You can survive. He will bring us to the haven that will give us the strength to survive.  Today, let God bring you out of your distress.  I have had times in my life starting a business that I didn’t know where the money for payroll was coming from on that day and yet somehow, some way God provided.  I lost my son just two months before he was due and yet somehow, some way God protected my heart from withering up.  My husband has literally stood in the midst of bullets flying over him in some of the third world countries he provided medicines to and somehow, some way God protect him.  I am not saying everyone gets money, or has a child (I did not) or even lives through the bullets.  I am saying that in the midst of all we face in life we can stand in the eye of the storm with God and make it through with a peace that passes understanding.  And we can pass through to our desired haven.  And in that haven, we can choose healthy, we can choose foods that honor this God that made our amazing bodies.  Today eat the foods God provided.  And know that God will bring you to the eye of the storm.

Prayer:  Father, there is a devastating storm all around me.  It is a raging tornado spinning temptations toward me, blowing sugar and carbohydrates within my reach over and over every day.  It is so easy for me to reach out and grab whatever I want and to eat until I am so full I can barely breathe.  Father, I am distressed.  I am in the middle of a storm that is destroying me daily.  I am again powerless.  You promise me in this storm that You have the power to crush this storm and calm it to a whisper.  I truly cannot imagine this power.  Every day I wake up and the foods start spinning around me.  I am screaming out above the roaring of the wind and waves.  Can You hear me?  I know You can and yet, I can’t tell the storm is dying out.  Father, still my storms of anxiety and temptations.  I am going to quit screaming and calm my soul down to a whisper.  Perhaps if I whisper than Your power will be more evident than when I create the storm myself in my yells of desperation.  God You have the power to bring calm to my life.  And this, in turn, will bring me to my desired haven of healthy eating.  I love You and will trust You and not be afraid.

Ddi you know:  Excess sugar attaches to the proteins in you bloodstream and creates harmful molecules called “AGEs” advanced glycation end products.  These molecules age your skin by damaging collagen.  WebMD

Daily Challenge