Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“If God is for us, who can be against us?”

What then shall we say to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

Verse Reflections:  Yes!  God has all the power in the universe.  That means He even has the power to conquer our worst enemy, ourselves.  We can conquer all temptations.  We can say no to the food pushers who bring us treats and want us to have second helpings.  We can say no to the marketers that convince us we need to buy the prepackaged sweets and snacks.  We can say no to the desire to bake delicacies or rip open the package.  We can say no to the easy breezy visit to a drive through.  We can say no to the desires that swirl through our heads.  We can say no to the carbs that life has convinced us has to go with certain foods.  Noone and nothing can be against us if the power of God is working for us.  Claim it and name it.  It is so easy to doubt ourselves.  I find when a temptation starts swirling in my head, my body gets tense and I begin to feel anxiety which makes everything worse because then I start physically craving the dopamine and serotonin that is released when we eat carbugars which dissipates the anxiety.   When I stop the craving with a verse or a hard no, I feel my body relax and believe it or not the temptation disappears.  It took me a long time to realize this.  I would let the temptation swirl and swirl and swirl until I was physically anxious and felt like I “had” to have the food.  God has empowered us!! If God is for us, who can be against us?  That means we can plan on being successful in eating healthy foods.

Prayer:  Father, I know You are for me.  I know this in my heart.  Your verses bring me illumination, insight and strength.  I claim Your power today.  I know even I cannot sabotage Your plan for my health if I come to You daily and claim this strength.  I love You so much and I need You walking by my side every second of every day.  If You are for me, nothing and no one can be against me.  I am going to expand my pronoun use to include food.  If You are for me, chocolate chip cookies cannot be against me.  If You are for me, potato chips cannot be against me.  If You are for me, no unhealthy foods can call my name.  Lord, I am going to ask for a very hard miracle.  Will You begin to change the taste of those foods for me?  Will You make them not as tempting?  Will You teach me how to prepare Your foods so I am craving them even more than the processed foods?  Thank You for giving us so many beautiful options.  I love You Father. I am going to claim Your power today and have fun saying, “no… You (name any food) cannot be against me”… my God has my back.  Lord, we are going to do this, one day at a time.  I love You and I love Your foods.  Let’s plan a fun meal today together.

Did you know?  Your circadian clock causes your sleep and hunger hormones to rise and fall during the day.  Overeating can upset this rhythm making it hard for you sleep.

Daily Challenge