Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Luke 12:23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.

Verse Reflections:  Every day I get up and think about what I am going to wear. I look at my schedule and try to plan my outfit around my work plan.  Then I think about what I am going to drink and eat.  On the mornings I change my priorities and start my day in my pjs talking to God, writing or reading devotions I have a better day.  There is something freeing in knowing that my life is centered around God and not myself, that I don’t have to depend on myself to be and do everything. This verse reminds us that our first priority, our first thoughts, our final thoughts should always be God.  How much time do we spend every day preparing and eating food?  How much money do we spend on food and clothing or other material possessions?  Do we spend that much time worshiping God?  Do we spend that much money serving God? The purpose of fasting is to refocus that energy, that time, those thoughts, that money on Christ.  We don’t even have to fast to change our attitude.  Grab a few raw vegetables, a salad that takes five minutes and then use that extra time to worship.  We spend so much of our lives making money to buy, eat, and indulge.  We should be prioritizing our souls, our spirits, our relationship with God.  Trusting in God’s care and provision allows us to let go of our anxiety and worry about our material needs and our physical needs.  God is aware of all our circumstances and He will provide.  We must balance our lives to care for our souls, to live for Christ while working, buying and eating.  If we seek first the kingdom of God all our needs will be taken care of.  If we focus first on the kingdom of God we will want to eat the foods He created for us to restore our physical and our spiritual health.  Today God foods.

Prayer:  Father, remind me today that material possessions and food are not what is important.  Give me the strength to depend on You and not myself.  I do spend so much time grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning from the cooking and eating.  Remind me God, that even while I do these things I should worship You.  I love the thought of making grocery shopping a worship experience.  Prayer before meals can turn to truly dedicating the meal to worship and the nutrition it brings us.  Father, turn my thoughts to buying and preparing foods that nourish my body and my soul, not my mind.  I am a victim of marketing and I crave foods that are full of junk.  Eliminate those desires from me today.  Bring me a smile as I depend on You to provide all my needs and my desires.  Bring me a heart of worship with every bite I take, every meal I serve to others.  Life is more than food and clothing.  Life is You.  My best life is filled with knowing that I am serving You first.  Today I am going to choose the foods You created for us and smile as I prepare them with a heart filled with You.  Thanks for this reminder!

Did you know: Low levels of serotonin cause depression and anxiety.  Refined carbohydrates (most processed foods) give us that quick surge of serotonin our body craves.

Daily Challenge