Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Slave to that you obey”

Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death or of obedience which leads to righteousness. Romans 6:16

Verse Reflections:  I am a slave to my cravings.  I allow my mind to feed my body stupid, processed treats, I hear the craving and then I just roll through all the choices until one calls my name.  Then I will move everything to get that food, I will roam the grocery store aisles, I will go through drive through, I will get out all the sugar and butter, chocolate or whatever to make an entire recipe that answers that call.  I am an addict, I am a slave.  I, obey the full on demands of the owner of my mind.  My owner does not have my best interests at heart and I am doomed to a death of unhealthiness.  I know that carbugers are not good for me, they are destroying my body and yet I still obey my cravings.  I have to acknowledge this verse and choose to obey God’s calling for health.  I know I can live a life of right-ness, of eating healthy foods.  My mind thinks more clearly, my clothes fit better, my joints and feet do not hurt, I am not dizzy.  I know the difference.  And yet, I know that there are days that I am a slave to food, a slave to the wrong foods.  I am obedient to cravings and not a life of intentionally choosing the right foods.  Today, I am going to choose obedience to God, not my cravings.  It is not easy, it is not fun but I know the difference of living in obedience to God.  Today we are going to choose God foods, take a walk and enjoy health and life.

Prayer:  God, I need You to own me.  I need to be Your slave.  Satan knows the one button that He can push to get me to bow down to the haunted callings.  I am going to mention Him once and then not give Him any more thought.  You have power that is beyond anything we can imagine.  I am going to beg You to take away my cravings.  On the days, they jump on me, give me the desire to be Your slave, not a slave to my cravings.  I want to obey You.  I want to change my life so that I am no longer a slave to food.  I am begging You to break the metal chains that bind me.  I am begging You to give me a faint smile that will grow to full blown laughter knowing that the cravings do not control me anymore.  We are free.  We have the power to tell our cravings to go to hell, literally.  We have Your power, the ability to live this life free from being a slave to food.  I am Yours.  I bow at Your feet knowing that as I do, You hand me grace, You give me a gift instead of creating chains.  You give me a gift that binds me by the freedom of forgiveness.  Forgiveness of myself, of the past and the future.  I want You to be my master and I know in making that choice I am more free than ever.  You have created beautiful, magical foods and in freedom I choose Your foods, I choose to be obedient to You and live in right-ness.  God power, God foods.

Daily Challenge