Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Is food your god?”

You shall have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3

Verse Reflections:  How much time do we spend with God?  How much time do we spend grocery shopping, preparing meals, eating?  How much money do we spend on our tithes?  How much money do we spend on eating out, groceries or food preparation?  Our gods are that which have power over us.  Our gods are what we spend our time, money and energy on.  We have to have food for nourishment so we can’t eliminate food from our lives but we need to ensure that we are not prioritizing food over our time with God.  This is a commandment.  It is an order.  There is no room for discussion.  There are no options.  When we open that refrigerator instead of spending time in the word, we are going against this commandment.  When we spend an hour preparing food and eating and no time reading His word, we are going against this commandment.  God is warning us in this verse to be careful about our choices.  God is my best friend and yet I have to admit there are days that I spend much more time and money on food.  I have to re-evaluate my priorities.

Prayers:  You are my God.  You are my Lord.  However, God I have to admit that I let You down in how I spend my time and money.  I do not hesitate to go out to eat, I do not hesitate to spend hours preparing foods.  And yet there are days I only read one verse or even no scripture.  Forgive me.  I know I spend more time and money on food than I should.  I know I have issues.  Renew my love for You.  Erase my ridiculous love for certain foods.  Re-energize my cravings for Your words.  Eliminate the cravings for food.  Remind me when I am at the grocery store that a percentage of my money should go to serving You.  Lord I am ashamed of how much energy I give to food.  I am ashamed of how much of my mind goes to food.  I am going to rededicate my life to You.  I am going to focus on You each day.  Send me Your power.  You are my God, my only god.  It is amazing how much easier it is to refuse temptation when I look up to You as my only God.

Daily Challenge