Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



October 14th

“Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” I Peter 1:13

Verse Reflections:  This verse is exactly what God plus One is all about.  God has already prepared the foods for us to eat.  He give us the plants, the seeds for us to plant and cultivate.  We do not need to create all these chemicals and preservatives that make the foods look more appealing and keep them fresh longer. Why do we continue to put processed foods into our bodies?  They make us produce more insulin.  They limit our production of leptin, the hormone that makes us full.  Our artificial quick sugar highs produce dopamine which is like a drug that causes us to crave more.  God literally produces livestock and plants for us to eat.  He brings us foods from the earth, pure foods that fill us up naturally.  Pure foods that do not spike our insulin and cause weight gain.  Pure foods that do not cause us to have cravings to release more dopamine.  Why do we keep eating and eating and eating foods that cause a vicious cycle of unhealthy.  We keep wondering why we can’t lose weight.  We keep wondering why we binge eat.  We keep wondering why we can’t get full.  God has us covered with a solution to all our issues if we will just eat His foods from the earth.  God foods are the solution.  Psalm 104:14 is the solution.  God is the solution.  Eat God foods today and every day.  Change Your life and eat from the livestock and plants God has give us.

Prayer:  God, You have all the solutions.  I keep going back to the X!*!x Foods that cause me to doubt my sanity.  I keep craving foods that are not good for me and actually cause me to crave them more.  I am just plain sick of this cycle.  God I am so sorry that I am so weak.  You have got to give me power that is beyond my sick, depraved self.  I am weaker than weak.  I am not able to stop this cycle on my own.  You have created the foods that will change my life.  You have created the foods that will stop this cycle.  I love Your foods and yet I keep going back.  God, change me.  God, stop me.  I have to change my life and pour Your pure, nutritious foods into this beautiful body You created.  I know Your foods are the solution.  Block my mind from wanting foods that do not come from Your earth.  Block my mind from wanting foods that actually block my energy, create cravings and cause me to gain weight.  How did we get here?  I know better, I am better with Your help.  God today, focus my mind on Your creations, Your plants, Your meats.  I love You so much and I know You love me.  Today I am going to love myself enough to eat God foods and God foods only.  Thank You for reminding me that this earth, Your foods are the solution.

Sulfites can trigger asthma.

According to Medical news today, an article by Dr. Tirosh propionate, a common food additive spikes glucagon and can create insulin resistance.  Sugar builds up in the blood.  Foods high in added sugars can also cause insulin resistance.  Insulin helps glucose/your energy source enter your muscles, fat and liver.  When it enters your cells, you signal your pancreas to quit producing insulin.  So… if the glucose/energy does not enter your cells then your pancreas keeps producing insulin, which causes weight gain.  This becomes a vicious cycle.

(Dr. Amy Shah, Harvard- )

MSG causes your pancreas to produce more insulin, which makes you hungrier.

Refined flour removes the bran and germ and the naturally occurring vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.  The refined flour spikes your blood sugar and insulin levels which causes a crash soon after and makes you hungry again.  Gluten is a protein in wheat that can cause inflammation in your gut.

Refined sugar (fructose corn syrup…) also sends your blood sugar sky-high and then makes it crash.  Sugar also creates a dopamine release which gives you a high.  When you crash from this high your brain can crave another high and create a “craving” that is hard to fight.


These refined sugars, especially high fructose corn syrup also shuts down the release of leptin, the hormone that tells you that you are full.


Daily Challenge