Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“My heart in a two piece”

“The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

Verse Reflections:  Amen!  I think my heart can wear a two piece!  It is usually pretty sweet even if I blow it from the outside, my heart is usually in the right place.  It is always centered when I take the time to read God’s word in the morning.  Just that extra 15 to 30 minutes with Him makes a huge difference in my day and how I view everything that comes my way.  I love that God looks at the heart.  Let’s think for a second how long we take to shower, shave, fix our hair, dress and put on our makeup in the morning to get ready for our day.  30 minutes?  45 minutes?  An hour?  Shouldn’t we take at least that amount of time to get our heart ready for the day?  Wow!  What a thought.  I need to dress my heart every day, shower off all the yuck that might have tried to harden it or sprinkle dirt on it.  Then I need to take that squeaky clean heart and dress it in God’s scriptural words so that it is protected and beautiful.  Then I need to add the blush and mascara by talking to God, and adding the light of His presence.

So today, let’s concentrate more on our heart than our outside appearance.  This will give us the privilege of eating healthy for God’s purposes not the purposes of being skinny or getting accolades from the world.

Prayer:  God I am so glad You look at the heart.  I am glad You take my intentions and make them honor You.  Protect my heart today, weave Your spirit inside it and radiate beauty and light from within.  I like the idea of dressing my heart up in the morning to present it to You.  Allow me to focus on within instead of without.  Give me the desire to eat healthy for You and not for me.  Thinking of eating for my heart instead of my outside beauty is somehow reassuring.  Maybe because I am just not confident in my outside beauty, maybe because it takes pressure off of me to not be perfect.  I love You God.  Let’s have a great day and eat right.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!