Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Here is what I have found out:

“Here is what I have found out: the best thing we can do is eat and drink and enjoy what we have worked for during the short life that God has given us; this is our fate. Ecclesiastes 5:18

Verse Reflections:  I have always enjoyed eating.  I love celebrating life.  As I read this verse my eyes are drawn to “the short life God has given us”.  I think we must merge these thoughts together.  We must eat and drink the best foods that God has created so that we can enjoy our health that we have worked for.  We cannot enjoy life at the ultimate level without our health.  When we get out and take a walk, when we feel good, when we eat nutritious foods so that we have energy we can enjoy the day.  The “best thing that we can do” is to eat and drink God foods so that our short life can become longer, so that we can enjoy every aspect of this life.  I don’t know about you, but I have lost 9 pounds in the first three months and I am feeling good this morning.  I can enjoy life better because I am working for this new level of health.  I know this verse can be interpreted a million different ways but I am choosing to merge it with God Plus 1.  He has given us the joy of eating and drinking.  He has given us short lives here on earth.  Let us enjoy the process of working for our health.  This is work!  However, if we choose to enjoy what we eat and drink then we also get to enjoy what we have worked for:  our health, our clothes fitting better, our bodies, our confidence in Christ.  And who knows…. Maybe our short lives God gave us just got a little longer!

Prayer:  Father, thank you for reminding us to enjoy what we have worked for.  This is the perfect timing for me since I just weighed in and have lost 9 pounds!  I AM enjoying this!  Honestly, it is becoming less work than it was at first and becoming more enjoyable.  I am eating so much food that I have little time to begrudge this lifestyle change.  Thank You for Your wisdom that is far beyond my own.  I am going to enjoy eating and drinking today AND I am going to enjoy what I have worked for.  My knees now have forty pounds less pressure on them because I have lost almost 10 pounds!  THAT I can enjoy as I go for a walk on the beach, as I run.  I think I would have liked Solomon God.  He has a carefree spirit that is filled with wisdom.  I would like to have that same spirit as I go through today.  Fill me with wisdom, yet help me to celebrate living, to celebrate what I have worked for. Today I am going to celebrate my nine pounds.  However, I am not going to celebrate with empty calorie food.  I have already had a wonderful mango and cottage cheese and I am stuffed!  YAY us.  And You are making me eat again in two hours in order to get all this food in.  I love to eat so thank You Father for this beautiful lifestyle.  I love You.

Daily Challenge