Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



The one who keeps the law is a son with understanding, but a companion of gluttons shames his father. Proverbs 28:7

Verse Reflections:  A companion of gluttons shames his father.  Oh my goodness.  What if I am the glutton?  I don’t look like a glutton, I would blend into any crowd as an average person.  However, I know my gluttony… “over-indulgence” “insatiability”.  Yep, I’ve got both.  I can go through days or even weeks of eating normally and then POW, I have a craving and my mind begins picturing all the eating options available.  I go from one meal to two meals, adding ice cream, adding a desert, maybe two or three.  Cheese? Butter? Fried?  Yes, please. There are times my stomach has no walls and you would be amazed at all I inhaled.   I can easily be the glutton that shames his father.  I won’t shame my father here on earth, but my Father in heaven that sees all, knows all. He knows the depth of my weakness.  And yet, I am changing.  His word is fortifying my healthy choices.  I am starting to feel as though Christ is truly building a fort of strength around me.  Oh, the strength I feel when I inhale His word instead of food.

Prayer:  Lord, forgive me for the times I have been a glutton.  Forgive me for the times I have eaten foods that have absolutely no nutritional value.  Forgive me the times that I have made a conscious choice to devalue this gorgeous body that you gave me.  Forgive me for the times I have spent hours cooking, dreaming, indulging in foods.  Time I could have spent dreaming of You, worshiping You.  I know the difference.  You give me a peace that passes all understanding and lasts hours and days longer than the temporary high I receive from sugar and carbs.  Surround me with strength.  Protect me from gluttony.  Do let me shame You.  Do not let me be the one that You shake Your head at in dismay.  I am so sorry I have let You down time and time again.  From this moment forward we are going to erase this term from my life.  My desires for food are now written in chalk, not pen.  When the cravings begin, help me imagine them being erased instantaneously.

Daily Challenge