Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“This is nothing new”

I Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it

Verse Reflections:  I actually take comfort in the fact that the temptation of food is common.  I am not alone in fighting an overindulgence of food.  There is a part of me that thinks I am crazy –perhaps it is not as bad as I imagine it to be.  And yet, I feel at times I “cannot” control my portions or continued binges.  But this verse tells me that I “can” control it.  This verse reminds me that God is faithful.  He will not let us be tempted beyond our ability.  With each temptation, He will also provide a way of escape.  I do believe these verses we are reading are part of this escape route.  We can endure any dinner, party, any bout of depression, any low self-esteem image, any stress if we will just embrace His word.  We should wrap our heart and mind around key verses that we can remember and use.   Imagine a closed room with a bright light shining from a hidden door labeled “escape route”.  All we have to do is open that door and God’s word will shine brightly, lining the route we run through to escape our temptation.  We WILL be able to endure the temptations.  We WILL be able to escape.  God will not let us be tempted beyond our abilities.  And yet, we cannot use our own abilities, we must run through His escape route.  If we use the “way of escape” He provides then we can endure it.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for providing a way of escape.  Thank You for not letting me be tempted beyond my ability.  I sometimes think I am at the mercy of my temptations but the truth is You have not let it overtake me.  I must remember that when I am overwhelmed.  There is a light shining behind the hidden door.  All I have to do is open the door and “run like hell”.  Is that bad to say in the middle of devotions?  That is how I feel.  I have to run away from the temptations and toward Your light.  Help me take advantage of the escape route You have created.  Allow me to always, always remember that You have provided the way of escape.  I can endure this.  You are faithful to me always.  Give me the strength through Your word to be faithful to You and Your provided escape route.  Others before me, others behind me will be tempted by food.  Even Satan realized this when He made it one of the three temptations in the desert.  I guess I should celebrate that pride and the want of material things do not tempt me but I still have the temptation(s) of the flesh.  I really love to eat.  I know there are so many people that would never understand how this temptation affects me, how it can separate me from You.   But You know.  Thank You for knowing and reminding me that others face the same issue and You have already taken care of us.  Love You.  Today, I am “running like hell” toward Your escape route.

Daily Challenge