Verse reflections: It is amazing how so many verses can change meanings to reflect light on the situation we are currently going through. Today this verse is perfect for eating healthy. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want!” He can keep us from craving foods, from wanting more. He gives us all we need and more (green pastures). He keeps our soul calm so that we don’t respond to anxieties and worries by over-indulging (still waters, restores my soul). He keeps us on the right path, keeps us eating right so that we can honor Him. This world we live in is not in the full presence of God, the source of all light so therefore we have mountains that block us from God’s light. This creates the shadows. This world has death but the good news is death is just a shadow, an illusion, when we are in the full 360* presence of light, of God the shadows disappear.
And so, think today of God preparing Your food no matter what is going on in your life. He is going to prepare the table for us in the presence of our enemies. That means we can eat HIS food no matter what is going on. We will find goodness and loving kindness today as we eat God foods that He has prepared. We shall not want!
Prayer: God, I thank You for Your living word. I have never, ever read these verses in terms of eating healthy but they are so perfect. Thank You for giving me these perfect verses with a new meaning for me today. I already have these verses memorized so they will be so easy to imprint on my heart with this beautiful message for me. The verse about You preparing a table before me in the presence of my enemies is gorgeous and gives me that little vision of eating beautifully even when life is trying to get me down. I need that “spite the world” attitude in the opposite way I usually view it. Instead of spiting the world by over-eating, today, I will sit at the table You prepare and we will have a lovely meal and I shall not want. Thank You Father. Have a lovely day. (I’ll clean the dishes).
God foods? Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives
Non-God foods? Anything else!