Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



“Faith with works”

James 2:17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

Verse Reflections:  I grew up going to church, loving Christ.  I have served the poor, I have served on every board available at church, I have taught Sunday School for 10 years but I do not have “works” or action when it comes to my eating habits.  This verse says our faith is dead without the works to back it up.  How often have we prayed for God to change our eating habits, help us to lose weight… but here He is telling us don’t just pray, don’t just have faith… DO IT!!  Have the works to back up your faith in Him.  It will not be easy, it will not come by magic.  If you are reading these devotions, Satan has spotted your weak spot so the war is on.  However, Christ has won every battle.  YOU,  WE can do it! We just have to do it.  Otherwise, this sin (anything that separates us from God), will slowly change us, it will separate us from our purity, our happy, our peace, our confidence.  We will begin to feel bad about ourselves.  Our faith will lose its’ vivaciousness because we have given away our power, it will eventually die because we will be so frustrated, so angry, so sad, even despondent that we will separate ourselves from our Lord and Savior.  Stop right now and claim your power back.  You have faith that Christ has risen from the dead.  Have faith that you can eat God food and be healthy.  Have faith that you cannot pick up those cookies, chips, multiple glasses of wine, whatever processed foods call your name.  You can do the works!  Revive Your faith.  Put on the works!!

Prayer:  Father, I do have total, absolute faith in You.  So, I am going to claim that faith and I am going to back it up with works.  I am not going to let my faith in You or myself die a slow, martyred death.  I’m going to put my works on.  I am going to eat healthy God foods.  Thank You for making so many wonderful foods for me.  Thank You for verses like this that remind me to quit praying for you to come down to rescue me.  I need to put on my big girl panties and just do the works.  It is not easy, it is not magic.  Jesus walked with the cross on His back after He had been whipped.  I can surely put the ridiculous little cookie, cake, chips and wine down.  I can do the works to back up my faith in You, in this amazing wonderful plan of action You have shared.  I love You tons.

Daily Challenge