Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



If it offends, don’t eat it

Romans 14:15 If your brother or sister is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy someone for whom Christ died.

Verse Reflections:  It is easy for me to turn down wine or alcohol in front of those I think might have an issue with alcohol.  So, why is it so difficult for me to turn down delicious, processed foods when I am in front of others that either over diet or over eat?  I tend to eat more in front of those people in rebellion of what are considered social norms.  I am repulsed by people that barely eat or always choose salads.  I want to show them that they should enjoy food.  And yet, how sick is that?  I should be conscious of what I eat in front of them in a positive way.  If they over obsess, or overindulge, don’t they have a similar problem to an alcoholic?  Should I not eat the foods that God created for us most especially when I should be a witness for those with issues?  I need to consider my own eating habits a witness to others.  Perhaps, if I analyze my food choices with others in mind I will be more successful.  It has always been easier for me to serve others than to serve myself.  I do not want to distress others.  It is not kind of me, loving of me to “rebel” in front of others.  It is not kind to myself either.  I must act in love.  There are friends and family members that want us to be healthy.  We must honor them and ourselves by choosing foods that are healthy.  We must act in love when we choose our foods today.  Love for ourselves, for those who love us, and for those who have eating issues themselves.  Today we must decide not to destroy our witness or someone else’s faith in Christ by eating foods that are not healthy.

Prayer:  Father, You know it has always been easier for me to think of others than to think of myself.  I give You my witness to others.  I want to encourage others with the food choice I make.  I want to give my friends and family and perfect strangers strength to choose the right foods.  I want them to see me say no to desert or unhealthy foods.  I want to take a stand and ensure that I do not distress others by the foods I eat.  I know my family want me to treasure my body and not to binge.  Father, You must come and remind me to be a good witness.  Allow me to save lives by choosing healthy foods.  Allow me to encourage success by eating the foods You have created.  Give me cooking skills that will continue to make Your foods extra tasty and healthy.  Thank You for reminding me not to rebel in front of other that might be watching my witness.  I love You and I do not want to hurt anyone’s relationship with You.  Today, Lord, let’s choose Your foods.

Daily Challenge